First rifle for kid

Really no recoil diff between 260 and 7-08. I've owned both Savage and Tikka and would take a 260 Tikka over a 7-08 Savage most any day. Haven't compared prices but bought a brand new Tikka Forest 260 on Europtics a while back for under $600, and it's quite the shooter. Just one mans opinion.
What is missing in many of these suggestions is the stock length issue. Do you cut the stock on a nice model 7? I considered a full custom rifle with a short stock. Later would do a new stock. Switching stocks with bedding and all is an expensive proposition. I am pleased with my cheap kid rifle. My son shot a doe at 125y with his cheap rifle. I will not let him take a shot much further than 125y. This is an MOA rifle with handloads. It feeds properly and has an acceptable trigger. He thinks it is awesome and has no idea that my rigs cost 15 times what he is using. I am new to kid hunting. It is fun and a pain in the *** all boiled into one. I have a friend that had an ABolt customized for his kids and a brake installed. I think the brake is a terrible idea.
would they be Hunting with it I am a firm believer in a single shot rifle for young beginner's. I find it easier to monitor during the learning curve and I just think it's safer The 7-08, with reduced recoil loads, kicks less than a .243 does Even with the reduced recoil loads, it is an effective cartridge on deer out to 200 yards.
Not sure what age the nephew is, but both hopefully are on the rugged side. You said shots to about 100yds and no bigger than a deer? If so, I HIGHLY recommend the 6 Creedmore with factory 108gr. bullets. Something to consider; recoil AND report. Short barrels can be very, very loud and produce quite the fireball, especially in the fine 7/08. I know that first hand. I would be willing to bet the number 1 and 2 reasons kids quit shooting is because of recoil and the boom. With at least a 22 inch 6mm barrel, in the 6 Creedmore, you have very little recoil, low muzzle flash and bang and a whacking bullet. Practice, practice, practice! Shot placement is everything in cleanly taking game.
All my kids started with the Remington 600 Mohawk 243... I lent it to my brother for his kids after they moved up and never got it back... I bought the Grand kid a Ruger Mark 11 ultralight wooden stock... Did a little smoothing of the trigger and put a nice light weight scope on it... He has shot everything with this rifle.. Elk , Deer, Mountain Lion... I am a 243 fan for a first gun..
Thanks for all the replies and input.

The Savage seems attractive bc it is inexpensive, comes with a scope, and while I have never owned one I understand they are plenty accurate. This will be 200 max, and likely 150 and in. I would prefer to use factory ammo for simplicity but not against loading myself. MOA would be plenty accurate...need to get their shooting to the point that accuracy of the gun is the limiting factor.

7-08 seems to be offered widely in youth rifles...selfishly i would like to get a 6.5mm of some sort bc I own a custom '06 and have a custom 28 Nos on the way and have always had a list for a 6.5, but I am smart enough to know this isn't about me in the least. But all else equal I'd get a 260 or 6.5cr.

When he is ready for a full size i could go with a different rifle altogether, which would not push me to a R700 for the upgrades down the line.

Any reason not to go with a Savage in 7-08?

Worked perfectly for me. The scope is a throwaway. It is in my son's toybox. The mounts are delicate as well.

Pic 1 is result of light load with 120 Ballistic Tip 7/08
Pic 2 is 7 years old shooting Savage for first time
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Ruger predator now comes with better AI style mags. Several calibers like 6 creed, 6.5 creed, 6.5 grendel, 7mm 08 etc. New ones cerekoted, with a brake and others already threaded for brakes too.

Edit, some models come with a vortex scope too.
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would they be Hunting with it I am a firm believer in a single shot rifle for young beginner's. I find it easier to monitor during the learning curve and I just think it's safer The 7-08, with reduced recoil loads, kicks less than a .243 does Even with the reduced recoil loads, it is an effective cartridge on deer out to 200 yards.

I like the detachable mag. Whether it is one bullet or 3, you can hold it until time to chamber a round. Kid can carry the verified empty rifle.
Ruger predator now comes with better AI style mags. Several calibers like 6 creed, 6.5 creed, 6.5 grendel, 7mm 08 etc. New ones cerekoted, with a brake and others already threaded for brakes too.

has a 13 3/4" LOP Not going to work for an 8 year old.
Worked perfectly for me. The scope is a throwaway. It is in my son's toybox. The mounts are delicate as well.
If it can hold zero it will be fine. But I can take an NXS 2.5x10 off my muzzleloader if needed...would just need a base for a Savage.
i have a nephew who wants to graduate to centerfire and start hunting with me and an 8 yr old son that is ready to start shooting.

I would like to buy a gun that either can use...thinking 6.5cr in R700 due to out of the box accuracy with factory ammo, which seems to be fairly common with that cartridge.

Is there a better rifle first rifle here other than the 5r in 6.5cr? Can always upgrade platform if needed, but for now it will be probably 100 and in and I assume the out of box accuracy will be more than adequate for that - need minute of of dead rather than what a lot of us chase in a longer range rig.

5r is about $1k and SPS is about $500-600. Is it worth the extra money for the 5r?



Check out the tc venture. The have have 5r rifling and are super accurate rifles for the money. Owned 2 of them and regret selling them. They also have a 75 rebate going on right now
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