If the initial press rumors are true, it's not a rehash of all the same bullet different irrelevant brass wrapper. A high pressure steel case will actually be an attempt at something new. I'll share doubts that it will succeed, the 277 fury being the first commercial iteration and now this. It's probably going to take another few iterations to get it dialed, but it's worth trying.
Federal hasn't had a lot of wins, but to be fair hornady as well as a myriad of other folks laid some turds as well. Hornady has done a little bit better job getting in front of the market on bullet weight and twist but mostly they have done a much better job marketing. Not that marketing isn't important, I'd buy a 6.5 prc over rebarrelimg my 6.5x284 as marketing has driven options on the component level for the prc to a solid advantage.
Were only a few days out from more details, if the numbers actual work like the promo it will still sell. The market isn't huge, but those numbers out of a 20 inch barrel are brisk. For a suppressor host stubby to do the work of my flame thrower 7 rum I'd give it a try.
I've had a 7-08, 7stw, 280, 280 ai, 7 rem, 7 wsm, 7 saum, and a few 7 rum. Still have a couple of them in floating around, the 7 prc was a pretty good yawn as it's selling point offered little for a hand loader who builds rifles with the correct twist...
But I'll give a high pressure option a try, knowing full well it's likely to take another couple iterations to get dialed.