Extractor Chewing up Brass-Stiller Predator


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2016
South Texas
So I took delivery of my new 7saum from GA Precision yesterday. The rifle is a work of art. I was cycling some rounds today and using the slit neck method with a bullet to find lands and noticed that every piece of brass I ejected was chewed up at the rim. On cases that I cycled a few times, the case rim was just mauled. There was a ton of brass in the bolt face where it was being sheared off. The only thing I can think of is the extractor. I looked at my 6.5 saum built on a defiance action and I could move the extractor with finger pressure. Not the case on the stiller. It won't move. I drifted the pin out and removed the extractor to see if anything was binding up or if something got stuck in there. Nada, clean and clear. As i drifted the pin back in about half way, I could move the extractor outwards with just finger pressure like the one in they defiance. After the pin was all the way back in it was like it was locked in place. Anybody got any ideas? Include a pic of rifle by the way. Very happy with how it turned out. Built on stiller predator long action with 8.24 twist proof barrel finished at 26" with apa little bas**** brake and triggertech special.


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I would send the bolt to GA and ask them to fix it.

I will talk to them Monday. However, if there is something I can do including replacing the extractor and or spring, I can do that. I bought the action brand new and delivered it to gap for the build. Might call stiller first and see if they know what it is. At any rate, I'm looking to see if someone has experienced this before and if there is a quick fix. I can start breaking in the barrel without the extractor if I want to and can replace parts when either gap or stiller sends them to me. I waited a long time to get the rifle, hesitant to send it off right off the bat especially if it's something simple.
If you call Stiller ask for Russ he's very helpful

Thanks Sherm, will do. I know it's just an extractor issue as I took it out again and cycled brass and not a mark one was made on the rims. Hopefully they can just send me a new extractor and spring and I'll be good to go. I'll shoot get without the extractor for now to get something done.
Look in the cut for the extractor groove for any step that would put the extractor in a bind when fully pinned. It's more likely the cut in the bolt than the extractor.
Look in the cut for the extractor groove for any step that would put the extractor in a bind when fully pinned. It's more likely the cut in the bolt than the extractor.

That makes sense. I'll look at that. I assume that if that's the culprit that they will just machine the cut to correct?
I looked at the extractor groove. No steps at all, everything looks perfect. I ran an Allen wrench slightly smaller than the roll pin through the hole to hold extractor in place and the extractor moved fine, no bind. Don't know if trying a roll pin that's a little smaller in diameter might work. I'm obviously not a gunsmith but I just can't see anything at all I the extractor cut that would cause a bind.
GAP didn't test fire it?

I would have to assume so. They told me they were going to proof fire it to make sure chambering went fine and to ensure no rings etc., were present....if they did, it wasent more han once as everything was pretty clean....
Doesn't something have to pivot on that pin? Either the pin pivots in the bolt or the extractor pivots on the pin.
Doesn't something have to pivot on that pin? Either the pin pivots in the bolt or the extractor pivots on the pin.

I'm thinking the extractor needs to pivot on the pin...and it's not doing that. When I slid the undersized Allen wrench through the hole it seemed to work fine or at least feel and move similar to the extractor in my defiance.
Earlier, you talked about a roll pin. Is the pin used a roll pin? If I was designing it, I would use a solid pin in that location.

If the extractor pivots on the pin, you can't fit the pin to the extractor with the parts on the bench when using a roll pin. The pin will have to be installed into the bolt and measured then the hole in the extractor will need to be made the correct size to fit that measurement.

If using a solid pin, the parts can be fitted before assembly. You need to be careful with solid pins because you can split thin walled holes with them.
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