Extractor Chewing up Brass-Stiller Predator

Who woulda thunk it.

The extractor cut was suggested in post #6 but was deemed perfect in post #8.

Yip, I surely didn't look close enough. Took a little time for the frustration to wear off to really think through and analyze everything closely.
And there she is without her top on.


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Do left handed actions throw the cases against the scope turrets and back into the action like the right handed ones do?
Do left handed actions throw the cases against the scope turrets and back into the action like the right handed ones do?

I haven't had a problem at all with the 5-20 HD with Remington, defiance, Savage or Tikka actions. Watching cases eject from this stiller, I don't see it having that problem either. Having the windage knob on the opposite side of the ejection port surely helps!
Do left handed actions throw the cases against the scope turrets and back into the action like the right handed ones do?

I don't think they make left handed scopes, so there would be no turret to hit on that side.
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