Excellent article on ruck training

I learned to use high quality duct tape as a remedy for blisters, etc. until I used it as a precautionary preventative. A heel wrap across the instep and a tie down under the arch and across the instep wrap protects against heel abrasion creating a smooth surface for any existing boot slippage. Similar to wearing a nylon liner sock (idea from the old days) but liners always chewed my feet worse than the main socks. An extra advantage from duct tape, and I'm not sure why it happens but, when I did get blisters and added tape for relief, the blisters healed over the next couple days (week long trip)?? Chemicals in the tape? YMMV...
That's something I've done since the '80s, but with a couple of layers of athletic tape. I don't know about duct tape, but you can definitely develop callouses in your heel while wearing athletic tape.
When we ran students thru the special forces training, we used to emphasize conditioning of feet . We used to use tincture benzoin and foot powder to toughen the foot soles. The article is correct core and upper body strength strength is key. Our standards were 12 minute miles for 8 miles and 15 minute miles over that with 45 lbs. That was on sandy trails. There is a different stride people need to learn and focus on stride length when rucking. Your feet will kill you quicker than being out of shape. If you want to last long term, toughen the soles of the feet up. That foot powder and tincture of benzoin will make them like leather. Use the tincture first and then add the powder and let dry. Will not look pretty with sandals, but then who cares.
How do you buy it at the pharmacy? And would you be so kind as to explain how to apply it?