This topic can be take from several different angles considering body habitus and individual needs. I'm not a big guy IMO, 5'10 220 at the moment and running certainly isn't on the menu, light jog is more suiting.
These are not for everyone: Squats, clean +/- press, bench
But lots of others to consider. Fireman walk, deadlift, lunges, burpees (intense), leg press, gobble squat, front squat, overhead squat (awesome for core), air squats, tire flip, bent rows, any row, hack squat (im not a fan), Static and plyometrics, cardio cardio cardio, Inclined treadmill, bike, tabata, Hanging leg raises, supermans, planks, kettle bell work. etc..
Few things to consider. First and foremost is you, your assessment of yourself which will determine where you start and intensity. If you haven't been in the gym for 6mo or ever, don't kill yourself thinking you're hercules... its ok to do air squats, do 50 it might surprise you.
If you are new, or unfamiliar w/ an exercise research it before you perform it. Youtube is very much your friend.
Heavy isn't always better. Ask any dedicated lifter and they will tell you heavy weights will hurt you. If you go heavy all the time you will get hurt, kind of like the saying there are 2 kinds of riders (motorcycle) the ones who've wrecked and the ones who are gonna wreck.