Dpms lr 308

Get a Load of this...more crappy DPMS LR 308 stuff...
one lower with Timney trigger, 18" barrel upper, carbon fiber hand guard, Leupold 2.5-8x33 scope; 24" fluted bull barrel upper with 4.5-14 Timberline; QD Stoney Point mounts on each

just crappy as hell...


  • 18.in.mounted.jpg
    151.2 KB · Views: 155
  • 24.in.mounted.jpg
    166.4 KB · Views: 136
Get a Load of this...more crappy DPMS LR 308 stuff...
one lower with Timney trigger, 18" barrel upper, carbon fiber hand guard, Leupold 2.5-8x33 scope; 24" fluted bull barrel upper with 4.5-14 Timberline; QD Stoney Point mounts on each

just crappy as hell...
:Dgun):D Love it!
Re: Dpms lr 308 >>> wrap on grip

I own a DPMS .308 also and love it.:D I upgraded the upper reciever to the A3 style for the dust cover put a RRA two stage trigger and quad rail handguard :)


Hey, what's that wrap on the grip in your pic?

I have fairly large mitts, but not XL, and I need more size on the grip. I think I've seen that stuff before, but I can't place it. Looks like an adhesive wrap bandage from when I give blood, but they don't have camo...

Where can we get it?

Thanks, and Merry Christmas

i wish i had found this site before i risked my life with a *** rifle. i could have been killed!!! who knows, with a better gun i might have killed 22 hogs!!!







sweet can! looks like the hogs were alittle confused gun) i didn't think a p.o.c. dpms could even kill a hog! j/k Nice shootn:D
Re: Dpms lr 308 >>> wrap on grip


Hey, what's that wrap on the grip in your pic?

I have fairly large mitts, but not XL, and I need more size on the grip. I think I've seen that stuff before, but I can't place it. Looks like an adhesive wrap bandage from when I give blood, but they don't have camo...

Where can we get it?

Thanks, and Merry Christmas


It's camo wrap (Camo Form) from Cabelas it sticks to itself so no adhesive. I think i paid $10-12 for a roll. I believe its mcnett.com
Re: Dpms lr 308 >>> wrap on grip

From the beer commercial - Brilliant!

On Cabela's for $12.99 each , 2" wide x 12 ft roll, several patterns

The McNett web site doesn't look like they sell direct.


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