Dpms .308?

Used my .308 Oracle for deer hunting this year. Mine likes heavy bullets (165 to 180 gr SST's). My shoulder does not handle recoil well anymore, so it's the ticket. I think my reloads are pretty close to 1moa (wish my eyes still were). I killed three deer with it this year. One ran 20 yards and the other was DRT.
Plan on some trigger work on the lower. My upper is stock.
Used my .308 Oracle for deer hunting this year. Mine likes heavy bullets (165 to 180 gr SST's). My shoulder does not handle recoil well anymore, so it's the ticket. I think my reloads are pretty close to 1moa (wish my eyes still were). I killed three deer with it this year. One ran 20 yards and the other was DRT.
Plan on some trigger work on the lower. My upper is stock.

I put a Precision Armament M4-72 brake on one of my guns recoil reduction was outrageous so was noise level but recoil is so light I can watch my own vaper trails with that gun if conditions are just right. It's a hoot :)
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