DPMS LR-.308 loads


Sounds like you've got it pretty well sorted out already. The RL-15 is an excellent choice in this combo, and one that already has an enviable track record for accuracy and performance out to, and including 1000 yards. Given our Army's adoption of the M110 recently, and the AMUs forays into 1000 yard Service Rifle shooting using this platform, I expect we'll see a good bit more development of this combination. Got one going together right now myself, and with a little luck may have it built in time for Camp Perry next year.

Funny history there; Lake City is what's known as a "Go-Co" operation. That is, "Government owned, Contractor operated." As long as the ammunition meets government specs for accuracy, pressure, etc., the choice of componenets is left to the contractor. Oddly enough, when Remington (a part of DuPont) had the contract, they found the the absolute best powder in the world for the 7.62x51 was IMR4895 (which was, of course, produced by DuPont), which they loaded for many years. Once the contract was taken over by Olin, they did extensive testing and found that the absolute best powder in the world for the 7.62x51 was WC-750, a ball powder they produced. Consequently, the l0ad was changed to WC-750, and that was the standard powder used in M118 and M118LR for many years. Fast forward a bit to when ATK won the contract bid, and lo and behold, the found that the real best powder was RL-15, which their Alliant Powder holdings manufactured. Funny how that works, isn't it? I've tested all of them in certifications over the years, and they all work just fine. Of them all, I'd have to say I liked the RL-15 the best, but would be hard pressed to put a finger on exactly why.

Sounds like you've got it pretty well sorted out already. The RL-15 is an excellent choice in this combo, and one that already has an enviable track record for accuracy and performance out to, and including 1000 yards. Given our Army's adoption of the M110 recently, and the AMUs forays into 1000 yard Service Rifle shooting using this platform, I expect we'll see a good bit more development of this combination. Got one going together right now myself, and with a little luck may have it built in time for Camp Perry next year.

Funny history there; Lake City is what's known as a "Go-Co" operation. That is, "Government owned, Contractor operated." As long as the ammunition meets government specs for accuracy, pressure, etc., the choice of componenets is left to the contractor. Oddly enough, when Remington (a part of DuPont) had the contract, they found the the absolute best powder in the world for the 7.62x51 was IMR4895 (which was, of course, produced by DuPont), which they loaded for many years. Once the contract was taken over by Olin, they did extensive testing and found that the absolute best powder in the world for the 7.62x51 was WC-750, a ball powder they produced. Consequently, the l0ad was changed to WC-750, and that was the standard powder used in M118 and M118LR for many years. Fast forward a bit to when ATK won the contract bid, and lo and behold, the found that the real best powder was RL-15, which their Alliant Powder holdings manufactured. Funny how that works, isn't it? I've tested all of them in certifications over the years, and they all work just fine. Of them all, I'd have to say I liked the RL-15 the best, but would be hard pressed to put a finger on exactly why.


Couldn't agree with you more; as to your "why they pick powders" in the powder industry. I would also agree that RL-15 has the potential of becoming one of the great long range powders for the .308 Win/ M118LR…. I really think it's a very hard powder to beat in the M110 rifles as well as the M24's

As a side not; I've used it for exclusively for my .220 Swift {55gr} bullets, with top notch performance both in accuracy and velocity. I used it a lot in my .223 LR rifle using 80grs bullets.
I've now just started to play with it in my 30" .222 Remington Magnum LR rifle, again with the 80gr bullets. The bench is saying; it's going to be a winner in it as well.
As you mention; IMR-4895 was for year thought of as the "only" 7.62x51mm NATO I believe mainly do to the M14/M1A it's still the powder I go to when loading my M1A with bullets from 147gr to 168gr. With that said, running IMR-4895 in my .308 Win bolt rifles never did much for me, other than as a standby hunting load if I couldn't find another powder.

My findings on the RL-15 in matches, was it's handling of heat and cold over a wide temperature range, with near max and max loads with the 175gr. I started to play with the 190gr then got side tracked. I'm beginning too think the 175gr weight bullet(s) may well be the option weight for the .308 Win at long range; the only leap in ballistic benefit would have to come in the bullets physical design.

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