Do You Own An AR15 Rifle?

Do You Own An AR15 Rifle?

  • YES

    Votes: 1,851 58.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 927 29.4%
  • I am planning to get one

    Votes: 373 11.8%

  • Total voters
Dude I'm not a great speller either ,but this is the 21st century use your spell checker ? We responsible gun owners want to present an image of intelligence to those that want to take out guns from us. The left is using anything that can to reduce are credibility .

I personally don't think it matters much if someone can spell or not, as long as he is one of us, his participation is welcome.

IMO the image of intelligence means little in this fight. It takes intelligence to recognize it. If intelligence were a factor, everyone would realize that the gun isn't the problem. .There is only one effective way to beat the anti's and that is by our strength in numbers. I believe this is best leveraged through the gun lobbyists(I'm not a gun lobbyist). This fact amazes me: There are 60 Million gun owners in the US. There are 4.3 Million NRA members. The NRA is one of the strongest lobby groups in the country, if not the strongest. The gun grabbers fear them the most because of their influence, and power. That's why their image is under constant attack. Less than 10 percent of us are members of the NRA! Imagine if just 20% or 30% of the gun owners in our country belonged to the NRA. we wouldn't even be having a discussion. Now, let's talk image of intelligence. I apologize for the rant but now being over 60, this anti gun crap is really getting old, and I have always enjoyed owning and shooting AR-15's. I would hate to see that squashed when we are fully capable of successfully
beating this.
I personally don't think it matters much if someone can spell or not, as long as he is one of us, his participation is welcome.

IMO the image of intelligence means little in this fight. It takes intelligence to recognize it. If intelligence were a factor, everyone would realize that the gun isn't the problem. .There is only one effective way to beat the anti's and that is by our strength in numbers. I believe this is best leveraged through the gun lobbyists(I'm not a gun lobbyist). This fact amazes me: There are 60 Million gun owners in the US. There are 4.3 Million NRA members. The NRA is one of the strongest lobby groups in the country, if not the strongest. The gun grabbers fear them the most because of their influence, and power. That's why their image is under constant attack. Less than 10 percent of us are members of the NRA! Imagine if just 20% or 30% of the gun owners in our country belonged to the NRA. we wouldn't even be having a discussion. Now, let's talk image of intelligence. I apologize for the rant but now being over 60, this anti gun crap is really getting old, and I have always enjoyed owning and shooting AR-15's. I would hate to see that squashed when we are fully capable of successfully
beating this.
You make a good point. We need to encourage everyone to put their money where their mouths are and donate/join both the NRA and GOA. United we have a huge voice in DC to constrain those who wish to strip us of our 2nd Amendment rights. When we are not united however we're just a grumbling mob.
Iron Worker Are you an old guy you shure are meen I hope I dont get like you when I get old a littel understanding goes a long way I realy dont care what other pepol think about me. Thay can all kiss my you know what. If thay are going to stoop to what I right in a blog to take my guns I gess there is nothing I can do about it. It is none of there f---in busnis aneyhow. let them trygun)
Hey Obama thinks were a bunch of hicks who cling to our guns and religion. He despises and wants to eliminate our 2nd amendment freedoms, and you think I'm mean for suggesting you use "Spell check " !!!! Lord help us... I sent you a PM if you want to continue ? Do it in the PM box.
Iron Worker Sorry I let all the BS. get to me I live in NY. and this como stuf has got to me and I am sorry I took it out on you. We all need to stick together or thay will win. I would use my spell check but it will not work I need to get a new computer. I dont know how to send a private message so I just sent it here I hope that it is allright. And I hope we can fix this thing before it gets out of hand. Sorry again and yes I am a littel sensitive. DaveG:D
Iron Worker Sorry I let all the BS. get to me I live in NY. and this como stuf has got to me and I am sorry I took it out on you. We all need to stick together or thay will win. I would use my spell check but it will not work I need to get a new computer. I dont know how to send a private message so I just sent it here I hope that it is allright. And I hope we can fix this thing before it gets out of hand. Sorry again and yes I am a littel sensitive. DaveG:D
Download the fire fox browser. It has one built in. Google also has one as a spell checker add on you can download as well.
Wild Rose thanks for telling me how to get spell check it took me a little to figure it out but I finally got it DaveG
I know this doesn't have anything to do with Ar's I was just wondering with all these polls about the new gun laws hase anyone on this form been asked to participate because I have not been nor have any one else I know that ones a gun.gun)