Pre-preg takes special processes to lay up. It does give that perfect balance of resin. It does need to be cured, maybe your oven will accommodate that?
I think this is an interesting project. I have liked the idea of a carbon barrel if the drawbacks can be overcome. Heat transfer with the resin is one of my biggest concerns. Epoxy is generally a better insulator than conductor of heat. There are some out there that address this.
If I can figure out how to ship it I could send you a bit of that MAS to try. I'm not sure of its thermal properties. It does work extremely well for layups. I have done a cedar strip canoe, automotive projects and have used it with the guns too. The carbon arrow/microbead layup I did in my Kimber was with some old MAS epoxy.
Low Viscosity Epoxy Resin is the original wood epoxy resin. It is clear and enhances the natural beauty and strength of your wooden boat or project.