Custom build

@ mercerbear,..
Custom Rifles and 1,000 yard "accuracy",.. don't come,.. "cheap" !
I just built, a 6 XC on, a New, Rem 700, SS, short action and it's, a "Tack Driver" with, a 24" Criterion, SS Barrel that, I installed, headspaced tightly on a new case, Lapped action, Glass bedded the HS Prec Stk., Timney Triggered, etc., myself with, a 6.5 X 20 scope and I have, about, $2,500 in it.
NOW, I have to send in, the Bolt to have, the Primary Extraction, FIXED ! And my Thumb hits, the Scope when, cycling fast !
But, a used Rem 700, with a Criterion Bbl, "could be", the CHEAPER way to go, for sure !
BUT, the Heading and in, Post #1, the OP talks about, a "Custom Build",.. Thus, my opinion on, Tikka actions and Custom Barrels.
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I have several Tikka actions, several WIn M70's, and one Remington 700.

That Remington has been a 30-06 since the 1980's. I shot the barrel out, and a 30-06 it remains! Run the numbers on a Berger 215gr hybrid at 2700fps. It's nothing to sneeze at, and that's with a 22" bbl!

The good thing about the model 700 long action is the 3.7" magazine length. provided the chamber is throated for it, this allows loading rounds at 3.5-3.6" overall length.

Of course, if you are not a reloader this point is moot as any amunition available in the store will conform to the SAAMI maximum of 3.335".

Yes you can get aftermarket bottom metal and magazines for the Tikka actions and get out to 3.5", but the Tikka (and Sako) .308 barrels are 1:11 twists, not good for long heavy bullets.

For a custom 30-06, I would go with a Kelbly Atlas action, which fits the Remington 700 footprint. 26" stainless barrel. 1:9" twist and probably a #3 or #4 contour. I would send the Smith a loaded round (no powder or primer of course) to set a custom throat, but a .30-06 'Serengeti' reamer (developed by German Salazar for long range 30-06) would get a guy fairly close.

By the time a guy buys a Remington 700 action and has it trued and timed, he'll be not far off the price of an Atlas.

Just my opinion, and I love the 30-06!
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I'd stick with a Rem700 or clone for stock choices alone. I'm partial to McMillan. Just got a Game Hunter.

I'd second using a prefit barrel with a nut. With a dremel and a few brain cells you can clearance the stock for it and bed the whole thing while you're at it. I do prefits for all my builds now, they are just as accurate.

For a 30-06 I'd go with a 24-26" barrel if any hunting is in the future.
I have several Tikka actions, several WIn M70's, and one Remington 700.

That Remington has been a 30-06 since the 1980's. I shot the barrel out, and a 30-06 it remains! Run the numbers on a Berger 215gr hybrid at 2700fps. It's nothing to sneeze at, and that's with a 22" bbl!

The good thing about the model 700 long action is the 3.7" magazine length. provided the chamber is throated for it, this allows loading rounds at 3.5-3.6" overall length.

Of course, if you are not a reloader this point is moot as any amunition available in the store will conform to the SAAMI maximum of 3.335".

Yes you can get aftermarket bottom metal and magazines for the Tikka actions and get out to 3.5", but the Tikka (and Sako) .308 barrels are 1:11 twists, not good for long heavy bullets.

For a custom 30-06, I would go with a Kelbly Atlas action, which fits the Remington 700 footprint. 26" stainless barrel. 1:9" twist and probably a #3 or #4 contour. I would send the Smith a loaded round (no powder or primer of course) to set a custom throat, but a .30-06 'Serengeti' reamer (developed by German Salazar for long range 30-06) would get a guy fairly close.

By the time a guy buys a Remington 700 action and has it trued and timed, he'll be not far off the price of an Atlas.

Just my opinion, and I love the 30-06!
I was thinking he could find a used action with the work already done to it that someone is trying to move and get a good deal.

With all of the other options these days, it's a buyers market on 700 actions.

From there, he could easily find a stock, etc.
Mine is, a 24 inch, .270 WSM, T-3 Tikka S Stl.
But, I haven't shopped for, a .30-06 Tikka so, i don't know what's, " available".
24" Barrel's are available in,.. 7 mm Mag, .300 WSM, 6.5 Creedmoor, 6.5x55.
I THOUGHT you SAID that you, wanted to build, a "Custom" .30-06,.. per Post #1 on, a Rem receiver ??
With CUSTOM, you can put most ANY length barrel, you want, on the Action.
NEW Barrel and Gun Smithing to Install/ chamber, around, $800 and can buy, a slightly used, Tikka in .30-06 or, .270 Win ( same action & Mag ) for, $500- $600.
I HAVE, 2 Rem 700's and 2 Tikka T-3's and I personally, would NEVER, "build" another Rifle on, a Rem 700, Action !
Rem 700's have, a High Bolt lift ( thumb, hits Scope when, cycling ) Action, NOT as "Smooth", Many HAVE, Extraction "Issues", must usually, BUY an, $150.00+ after Mkt., Trigger ( Tikka's, just buy, a $10-$20 Spring ). And most, Tikka Barrels,.. ARE,. "shooters" !
I was thinking rem 700 action because that's what I am familiar with currently. I looked at tikas before custom never shot one before.
I have several Tikka actions, several WIn M70's, and one Remington 700.

That Remington has been a 30-06 since the 1980's. I shot the barrel out, and a 30-06 it remains! Run the numbers on a Berger 215gr hybrid at 2700fps. It's nothing to sneeze at, and that's with a 22" bbl!

The good thing about the model 700 long action is the 3.7" magazine length. provided the chamber is throated for it, this allows loading rounds at 3.5-3.6" overall length.

Of course, if you are not a reloader this point is moot as any amunition available in the store will conform to the SAAMI maximum of 3.335".

Yes you can get aftermarket bottom metal and magazines for the Tikka actions and get out to 3.5", but the Tikka (and Sako) .308 barrels are 1:11 twists, not good for long heavy bullets.

For a custom 30-06, I would go with a Kelbly Atlas action, which fits the Remington 700 footprint. 26" stainless barrel. 1:9" twist and probably a #3 or #4 contour. I would send the Smith a loaded round (no powder or primer of course) to set a custom throat, but a .30-06 'Serengeti' reamer (developed by German Salazar for long range 30-06) would get a guy fairly close.

By the time a guy buys a Remington 700 action and has it trued and timed, he'll be not far off the price of an Atlas.

Just my opinion, and I love the 30-06!
Just looked at the Kelbly site, they got a 06 for sale little more than I was looking at but if I sell another gun might be doable. Are they a solid build company? Never heard of them
Just looked at the Kelbly site, they got a 06 for sale little more than I was looking at but if I sell another gun might be doable. Are they a solid build company? Never heard of them
Kelbly is well known in the competition rifle arena. My F-class rifle is on a Kelby Panda. They hold tight enough tolerances that when you need a new barrel they can make it and send it to you to install and headspace correctly.
I have an '06 Sendero and love it but I dont shoot it much. Its faster than a .308 in any given bullet and it certainly will propel the heavies better. A good rifle in almost any caliber will shoot well, dont pay any attention to the naysayers. I shoot long range with a Valkyrie so 1000 is as easy as finding a load your rifle likes.
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