Help with Custom Build

For a hunting rifle I would go with the #5 fluted. For a dedicated target rifle I would go with something heavier.
I guess I'm gonna go with a #5 fluted then. What about scopes? I'm looking at the Leupold Mark 4 4.5-14x50 with M1 turrets or the Nightforce SHV 5-20x56. I can get the Leupold at a discounted price though... Is up to 14 power enough for what I want to accomplish out west?
Determine your budget for optics, decide which features matter the most to you, then buy the absolute best one you can afford.

There are so many options out there today that it would be hard to make a recommendation for you. You are in the right ball park for power range in my opinion. Of the 2 you listed I would lean toward the Mark 4 just because I like exposed turrets. If you go with Nightforce just get an NXS with HS and ZS. Scope would serve you really well and last a long time. Bushnell and Vortex also make some great "value" optics...which is to say they make a nice compromise of all the features available in the world of optics and put it together really well for a good price.
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