Coppermelt break-in pics

i just saw this post and was wondering what # of patches it should take to get a barrel broke took most of the afternoon and evening and so far i have 8 rounds out of my new patches are all used up,i have to find more.i have a 7um with one of these lilja 7 twist barrels.i seem to be getting a large amount of fouling.the first shot took around 20 patches to come out's getting better but i still use 4-5 and let it sit a while to get a clean patch.i'm using wipe-out and sweet's.the first 6 i shot 140 BT's,good to waste for break in, and thought maybe their speed was causing some of this so i switched to 180 bergers.wasn't sure if their jacket would take this twist but i have holes in the box so i guess they question is how many shots should it take to break in.i know every barrel is different but what's the norm?
Dave I try to use A very large berring surface bullet like a Sierra 160 gr flat base loaded down to around 2800 fps. I do that with a light charge of quick powder relative to type of cartridge your working with. This helps keep copper fouling in check. As for the number of patches or length of time to break in a gun, they're all different. I've never personally had a custom barrel take more than 8 or 10 shots. Most take three or four. If your Lilja is taking that much work maybe they screwed up on the hand lapping or didn't do it at all. The 25-06 imp I mentioned before took less than two hours to do those first twenty shots. The Coppermelt makes a huge savings in cleaning time. good luck with your progect. 7mmrhb
Wildcat, I talked to Scott D. at Payson Sports Saturday and he says the shipment with the new bottles hasn't arrived yet. I only live a few miles away so I'll try to let every one know when it arrives. He has plenty of product in stock but the leak problem is the hang up right now. Be patient.7mmrhb
My experience with copper melt is as follows:-

6mm border barrel just a tinge of pale blue on one or two patches during break in.

I have been cleaning every twenty five rounds or so for 200 rounds and have never got a single sign of any copper!

So this time I fired 76 rounds and then cleaned (after reading an article on 6mmbr about not cleaning barrels so much)

The resulting clean had dark blue streaks on the patches that took three to go then another six to get spotless.
How much does this stuff go for a bottle? Also how long does one last? (Dave was saying he can only buy two bottles every paycheck has me worried) Hopefully it dont cost more then the rifle /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Dave may be saying that , but I know He has quite a few bottles laying around. I have had my eyes on one of them.(Hint Hint) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
It wasnt meant to mean the stuff was to pricy. Its just that's what I had in mind. However since Payson wont ship anymore until the new bottles come in I have 5 left.
I use it quite liberally though. I think it was 31.95 bucks or so a bottle for some of them and one price sticker says 52.95. Not sure on that one might have been because I ordered two at one time but then I ordered all of them 2 at a time so I aint to sure.
I can tell you it is worth its weight in gold. Best stuff I have ever used or seen.
Be sure to be careful when opening a new bottle and dont shake it, it causes it to build up pressure and the contents will cause eye damage if it gets in them.
Its great stuff and cant wait till they come out with the new bottles so I can get myself more.
D-A you leave my stash of Coppermelt alone, its mine all mine!!!!
If you guys get in a pinch and need some more desperately, I have quite a stockpile for my personal use and will gladly help a brother out if you need it.

Ha, I just read that and it sounds like we're dealing with drugs doesn't it!? LOL:D
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