Coppermelt break-in pics

GG.we also cleaned a 300 rum with 40 plus rounds through it with coppermelt and it was spotless after four patches.The gun had previously been broken in with Tubbs final finish. Im the one who gets all the advertising money from coppermelt since Im the one who got GG to try it in the first place. THIS STUFF WORKS !!!!! 7MMRHB

Looks like the ball's in your court now according to GG as far as pictures go. You know it illegal around here to have a new gun and describe it and talk about it without showing pictures. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
How many times has the "tight at the rear" stuff been fired?

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4-5 times. The custom dies were just about .0005" too big in the arse area.

The chrome is being done by a local fellow who has a machine that can layer the chrome up to .00010" thickness accuracy. Should be just the ticket.
Im the one who gets all the advertising money from coppermelt since Im the one who got GG to try it in the first place.

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If we ever get any, whatdaya say we split it?!


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You ain't a kiddin'!
How can I get my hands on some Coppermelt. Can I order it from Sinclare, Natchez, Midway, ect, or is there some special process to get this stuff. Two more unrelated questions, do you meplat uniform all of your bullets or just the ones that need it, and what do you do first uniform the meplat or measure the bearing surface. I feel like I am going crazy trying to learn all this stuff, but I know I will learn sooner or later with guys like you helping me. Once again thank you for all of your help, knowledge and suggestions. Thanks, Wildcat.
Right now, you can get Coppermelt at Payson Sports and Trophy. I forgot the number and don't have it with me right now so run a search on Payson. It should bring up a previous post with their number.

do you meplat uniform all of your bullets or just the ones that need it,

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Just the ones that need it. I usually don't have to touch Bergers.

and what do you do first uniform the meplat or measure the bearing surface.

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DOesn't matter. Two unrelated things. Bearing surface measurement is 10 times more critical at every range. Meplat trimming really only shows up substantially past a mile in my opinion.

Hope this helps.
I hope this is the right info.

Payson Sports & Trophy
15 E 100 N
Payson, UT 84651-2228
(801) 465-2551

In an ealier post I stated that my patches didnt come out exactly like yours did and wondered if anyone else had the same as mine.
Well to update that post a buddy came over last night. He showed up with two guns, a browning a bolt and a savage.
The browning had been taken care of but nothing had ever been used to remove the copper fouling. The savage was his rain and walking gun and bad weather gun. It had been misused and abused since 1997.
It had never been cleaned with anything.
Well the Browning took four patches to come clean and the Savage took 7 to 8 patches and they looked a lot like the patches you photo'd. I guess that the guns I have must have good barrels on them because the patches out of them looked no where near the patches out of his guns or the ones you took photos of.
This leads me to believe that the rifles I own werent copper fouled to the extreme of the other rifles.
This stuff is truly amazing and fast. If anyone has doubts about it you simply need to buy a bottle and try it on the oldest most abused rifle you have or simply fire 200 rounds out of it and then try this stuff.
I am so glad I bought 6 bottles of the stuff and thanks to gg and a few others on here proclaiming its worth made my mind up on how many to buy.
I will be buying two bottles of it every payday in case the fella goes out of business or something happens I will have a lifetime supply of it.
I probably have the record when it comes to the amount of patches it takes with Coppermelt to clean a rifle.

I cleaned my Dad's Browning BAR 338WM this summer and it took 25 patches with Coppermelt. I had cleaned it last year with Barnes solvent (only about 5-10 rounds shot out of it since then) and all it did was polish the copper in the end of the barrel. It hadn't had a brush run down the barrel since the 1970's. The worst patches were a DARK NAVY BLUE.
GG how much are you putting on your patches?

I found that I had to use 10 - 12 drops on the patch to make it clean as fast as your photos show. But weather i fire 5 rounds or 10 rounds between cleaning I still do not get as much blue (I assume its copper fowling)

I have inclose a photo from yesterdays trip to the range using my 308 that Kirby worked on and a 300 win mag that I had a hart put on a while ago and neither seem to copper up that fast

I tried the no oiling thing but after setting for 2 months there is some very light and spotty surface rust. I think from now on I will not oil while shooting but will oil each time before putting back in case.

As you can see there is very little Blue coloring on any of the patches. I tryed to put them on a white piece of paper to better show what they look like

but it seems the place where i have hosting them seems to darken them a little.

Mine do not seem to come out that blue either shadowman. They look exactly like yours do.
I believe GG says that he DOES put a light oil on if the guns are going to be stored for a while. I oil mine if they aren't going to be shot within 2 weeks.
If you are using 1.75 or 2.25" square patches six to nine drops will make the patch damp enough to easily slide back and forth through the bore. It looks like your gun has a good smooth bore and won't copper foul. LUCKY YOU! You might see blue after shooting A high number of shots but it will clean very quickly with that slick bore of yours.We broke in a 25-06 Ackley IMP. last week . It has a Pacnor barrel ,28" Shot# 1 four patches, medium blue. Shot # 2 three patches light blue. Shot# three two patches and just A hint of blue. Shots # four and five took two patches each and no blue. Then we shot two shots and it still took two patches with no blue. Then three shots and no blue. Breakin complete. We then shot ten fire forming loads. still two patches and no copper. Next we shot 25 rounds and it took two coppermelt patches to be spotless. GOOD barrel .great cleaner =happy shooters. I always put some light oil in the bore after, if its going to be A few days before I shoot again. good shooting, 7mm RHB ( Put the # of drops on that works for you!)
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