Consistent first round flier

@DJ Fergus the barrel is slightly warm after the first shot, barely enough to tell. I didn't think it was a barrel temp issue because I use to be able to shoot it 5 shots total within about 2 minutes and they all had the same POI. I have shot it over the LabRadar, kinda got erratic velocitys with handloads and factory ammo, and it seemed like the LabRadar had issues with accurately reading the small 17 cal bullets. I'll try shooting it over the chronograph again.
I've saw what you are seeing happen due to a couple different things. I'm sure there many reasons that can cause this. I resolved the issue with one rifle by going to a powder of significantly faster burn rate. Although the burn rate was faster, the barrel remained cooler from the first shot & beyond and cold the bore flyer went away. I'm not saying that will fix your problem but I thought I would put it out there.
@FEENIX no I haven't picked up one of those yet, I'll order that today. The reason I thought it was having issues picking up on the small bullets is because when shooting the factory 20 gr vmaxs I'd get velocity readings around 3500 FPS and an occasional one 900-1600 FPS and some that would register at all. It'd say something about failure to read the projectile. I have the plastic sight thing mounted on the top to help with alignment also.
@L.Sherm it might not have a barrel nut, it looks like it has one though. It has what looks like a nut with two grooves on each side that seems like a place to put a wrench. It's the only savage I've owned so I'm honestly not sure. Here's a picture of it.
From my research it looks like the 25 barrel is pressed and pined. Its definitely confusing reading about it.
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