Colorado wolves being relocated.

I don't know what anyone is surprised, these are the same people that relocated millions of illegals to your home town last three years....supporting predators of all sorts. literally and figuratively, is what they do.

I see a track record of failure to manage super predators. Bring them Here! (Wolves or Venezuelans) They will behave if we just hug them enough! They will change once they realize they are safe!

Leftist, woke, mind virus strikes again.

In Eastern NC, they moved in Texas "big Coyotes" and called them Red Wolves. They sat each wolf down and said, "We want you to stay on Federal swamp land and only mate with other Red Wolves. There is very little food on the federal swamp land, but that is your "home range" so stay there." The wolves said OK.

Immediately the wolves moved to private hunting lands where there was dry ground, food plots and lots of game to eat. Wolves were captured and relocated back to the federal swamp land. During this time, they also "cross breed" with local coyotes, (even though these red wolves were nothing more than big coyotes) and once again they left the federal land.

Just because the libtards and other government officials are incapable of leaving their yard without being in a vehicle, wolves can and will travel and they will find the easiest source of food. Predators have their place in the eco-system, but they need to be controlled. If not, other animals will be eradicated.

I am shocked that any program headed by the government would not be a tremendous success. Almost all government "officials" have been so successful in the private sector, you know that expertise would carry over into their positions in govenment. I think predator management is the first government program to fail, as SS, welfare, voting, immigration, and 10,000 other programs have a track record of success.
Another thing that really angers me: we talk about the southern border, and all they talk about is illegals. I want to know, how many nuclear weapons have crossed the southern border? Correct Answer: nobody knows. We could also ask how many chemical weapons have crossed the border. How many biological weapons have crossed the border? How about other bombs? High explosives? Etc.
Hold your horses Will, first they have to cross Wyoming. They might as well carry a sign saying I am a left wing Democrat, and I am here to take your guns. 🤣🤣
When you go out have gun in one hand and trenching tool in the other. Take the tracking tag off tie it to a limb and throw it in the river. Rip taught me that!
Glad I'm not a cattle rancher in Colorado.
Game commission would jail me.

Don't know how these people didn't see this coming!

The dark haired lady is a freaking idiot!!

The real problem with lobbyist in the state of Colorado is they support initiatives of out of state interests and then these are put on the ballot, heavily advertised in the media here, without regards to the safety and security of the citizens of Colorado. There should be a law when initiatives that harm citizens open up the legislation sponsors to lawsuits from their constituents with they or their families and livelihoods are damaged and you would see a lot of this hogwash stopped before it starts.
The wolves should have been limited to the National Parks, once they step out the are free game and should have had tags issued like grizzly bears. The Fish and Game and other liberal agencies are becoming more anti hunting . The more game that the wolves kill the less tags they give out and slowly take more opportunities to hunt
Hence less guns.
It was seen coming! What happens when a bunch of coloradofornians and queers get it on a ballot and you cannot reason with these people! To dumb to know any better.
Gut shoot them bullet passes through they run off bleeding and excites the pack they eat what is left
Kinda like shooting hogs in Florida same thing happens with them
Another thing that really angers me: we talk about the southern border, and all they talk about is illegals. I want to know, how many nuclear weapons have crossed the southern border? Correct Answer: nobody knows. We could also ask how many chemical weapons have crossed the border. How many biological weapons have crossed the border? How about other bombs? High explosives? Etc.
Questions with out answers and they will never be answered !!
What should have been done, is with the first vote for it, the "wildlife" ranchers should have said yes. We'll even double the number.


They have to be released in city parks. To rehabitate the area that used to be their home.
You wanna talk about reparations, then this is only fair.

Course when they get hundreds of calls about Fluffy, or Miss Kitty missing, and they don't feel safe because their kids are being chased, maybe they will admit they didn't think this through the whole way.
Given the lack of genuine hunting in CA, I say send all of your wolves and problem grizzlies here. It will be an amazing social experiment and it'll likely reduce the overpopulation humans here on the Left Coast...
You have enough of the Kommiefornia protected state animal. The mtn. Lion. Where are all the deer ? I know. I lived there for many years. God help you.