bullet holes on white paper


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2008
Ellwood City, PA
What would be the minimum required spotting scope to see 277+ cal bullet holes on white paper at 1k? Is it even possible? I had a 20-60 BSA given to me I can see holes to about 400 yds. It is bad I can see the holes further than that with my 18x rifle scope.
Thats tough, not going to happen very often, as itcompletely depends on conditions. Invest in an ATV and a pair of binos ;)

+1 on AJ's reply. With a spotter you may be able to see 2 out of 10 times, maybe more, maybe less. With the ATV you will always be able to see.

I just purchased a Swaro ATS 80 HD and at 1000 I would bet not on a .277 hole. Its the mirage that kills ya. A white painted piece of 1/2" steel will produce 1 1/2 to 2" splats. You will hear and see them at 1000.

I've had the best luck on seeing bullet holes at long range with light brown butcher paper. Even then its hard to go out too far beyond 600 yards and see anything. Generally its the mirrage that kills the visibility.

I have, however, been successful using a 4-22X US Optics rifle scope and could easily see 7mm Berger 180 bullet holes from 1K when shooting on a 12"x18" black shoot-N-see. Granted the mirrage was negligible that day, but the holes were obvious to see, even just using the rifle scope. With a soptter it would have been easier still.

Similar result with good hit visibility when shooting a freshly painted (white) ARmor plate steel target at 1,350 yards. Hits were easily visible with the same rifle scope, until the marks were overlapping on the target. Even then, the "gong" gave me all the feedback that I needed.

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Thanks guys. I have an ATV and binos, so I guess I'm set. I just need to make a steel target as I'm gathering I'll be able to see the splat marks with what I have. That too is no problem since I have all the neccessary items to make that happen as well!
The new March scope can't even do that and it's the top of the line for that high of magnification. Not sure it's possible. :(
As it's been pointed out, it's possible under perfect conditions with top shelf optics, but it's not something you can count on. Bullet splatter on a metal silhouette can be seen at that distance fairly easily though.
Someone makes their own Shoot N See targets.

He uses white poster board and covers it with clear plastic tape.
The uses cheap flat black spray paint to cover the tape.

Bullets flake off the black and make easy spotting from a long way out...don't know about 1k though.

a couple months ago an acomplished palma shooter was trying to talk me into trying to shoot palma. He was saying that one of the most important pieces of equipment was a good spotting scope. He said to mortgage your house if you need to, but the only one to get was a Swarovski (forget the power range but it cost about $2500). He said that is what you need to see 308 holes at 1000

There are quite a few (Big spotting scopes out there with 80 to 120 MM objective
lens) but they are very expensive.

There are some 80 mm that are not to bad ,$1200.oo plus.

I tried the Shoot and see large bulls eye targets and they worked very well because
of the increase in dia.of bullet strike.

Thats the cheepest way to help with your problem .

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