Build a new hunting rifle as cheap as possible?

It really matters (only) if the OP wants to reload for longer OAL. Have a pair of Tikka T 3x and they are great with all of the factory ammo I have tried in them. I bet there are some rounds that cause a problem ....but I have
) Magazine box that will handle longish hand loads. The biggest draw back on the Savage LRH is the 3.5" box.
This is why I referenced the tikka to a 3.4 mag box;)
Too many options to address. First what game at what range? My hunting rifle this year is a Remington 700 short action using a PTG barrel nut with a good stock and a 358 Winchester barrel with muzzle brake. Will use it for deer, elk, feral hogs and such. Lilja barrel is giving .5 MOA. I threaded and chambered it myself (first time for me). If you have access to a lathe, Shilen will sell you a barrel blank in your caliber for about $200. They sent me one in three days! If you found a cheap Ruger American somewhere and put your choice of barrel on it, would be low cost. Also use a PTG barrel nut on one of those in 308. VERY accurate.
Why go that route to build when you can buy a used Savage Axis at $200 Usd funds,,, the owner will probilibly give you the glass for free. My nephewis into a $100 big game killer in 338 Winchester.

Plastic stock and all...

You'ld be hard pressed to beet that deal.
Lots of buy it and shoot options out there, but that's not my understanding of the thread. OP titled it "BUILD a .... "
I would buy a donor savage rifle. I would I find one in 300 win mag. I would see if it shot the way it was. If it does add a kydex cheek piece and you're done.
If it doesn't shoot, pull the barrel and send a dummy round off to Criterion, shillen, Mcgowen or whomever you prefer. Make a dummy round for the barrel being built. Seat the dummy round to fit the magazine with room to spare so you can chase the lands and still be in the mag. Also with having a custom barrel made you can choose twist and freebore so you can shoot the bullet you want. You should make your dummy round with whatever brass and bullet you plan to use.
Add a precision recoil lug and barrel nut from Northland shooters supply. Put your barrel on the action. Its an easy process if you don't know how ask and someone will help you.
Bed the recoil lug in your plastic stock or order a McMillan, Manners, bell and Carlson or Boyd's. That should do it. All my rifles I have built like this shoot well. I have built 8 now just finished one last night and the first 7 shoot. I assume number 8 will too. #8 cost me a grand total of $500 minus the scope. Here is number 8, it's a 6.5-284 in a Boyd's featherweight stock.


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"This is why I referenced the mag box on a tikka was only 3.4"

Nice catch oversight:D
No problem, tikkas are great for WSM type cartridges and if I was gonna do a 6.5 prc it would be on a tikka.
The cheapest and easiest would probably be to pick up a used Rem 700 and do a Remage barrel prefit for it. That would give you a longer mag box than the Savage without any modifications and give you lots of options for used stocks.

On a side note, you can lengthen the mag box on a Savage by cutting it and patching in a spacer. You can also switch it over to using a DBM set up and use the AICS pattern magazines which would give you an OAL of at least 3.600"
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