Best long range muzzy???

I love my Savage 10ML II, I have killed deer out to 300 yards in the past. But a normal shot for me in my area is between 75- 150 yrd shot. Great shooting gun with 43.7 grains of Lil Gun, and a 250 grain Hornady SST or XTP with an MMP sabot.
try dougs muzzleloader forum and click on the smokeless board. There is endless hrs of reading. As mentioned in several posts Luke is very good to work with. He specializes with REM and savage ml. Others on the board do conversions with many different brands and styles. The cheapest is probably the hr in a 45/70 converted.
Ordered all my parts from Luke at Arrowhead except my stock. He recommended Greg (Fishhawk Customs) from Doug's Message Boards for the build. I spoke to Greg and what a good guy to speak to. Explained everything,parts and why and what he recommed.So they was sent directly from Lukes. A few months later this is what I recieved.These guns shoot lights out!! Never saw or heard of any that didnt shoot. My first Weaver and I have to say..I'm impressed!
SS 700 ml action
Fluted bolt,skeletized handle,Badger knob
SS Pacnor 45 fluted modified taper,Callihan lug
Savage plug w/bushing
Trigger work (2#)
Warne STEEL rings & base
Weaver Super Slam 3X15-42mm w/EBX ret.
McMillan REM Hunter pillared & bedded
Gun weighs 12.5 lbs

Last pic was her first range session.


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I ordered parts from arrowhead sporting goods to do a rem 700ml conversion a couple years ago for a friend. He is very happy with it. 45 cal shooting 195 barnes and 62g H4198. I have not checked velocity but it should be 2600-2700 fps. If one wanted to run duplex loads it could easily shoot same bullets over 2950 fps.
Ordered all my parts from Luke at Arrowhead except my stock. He recommended Greg (Fishhawk Customs) from Doug's Message Boards for the build. I spoke to Greg and what a good guy to speak to. Explained everything,parts and why and what he recommed.So they was sent directly from Lukes. A few months later this is what I recieved.These guns shoot lights out!! Never saw or heard of any that didnt shoot. My first Weaver and I have to say..I'm impressed!
SS 700 ml action
Fluted bolt,skeletized handle,Badger knob
SS Pacnor 45 fluted modified taper,Callihan lug
Savage plug w/bushing
Trigger work (2#)
Warne STEEL rings & base
Weaver Super Slam 3X15-42mm w/EBX ret.
McMillan REM Hunter pillared & bedded
Gun weighs 12.5 lbs

Last pic was her first range session.

Care to share the price range?
Gun/scope came to $2,800. There's a few xtras that weren't needed tho, McMillan stock,fluted bolt,barrel, handle & knob work, $550 scope. Those xtras will shave a few bucks!! I feel gun is worth every penny I spent. Went to range a few days ago and first shot(still loaded from last yr) cut top of bull and the next two made a 3 shot .6" group!
Not bad at all. Can't wait to see what you can do out past 300 yards. I started the ball rolling on one today. Found a stainless Rem 700ML in a local ad and sent Luke a message for more info.
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