best long range 50 bullet for 300y

If you run the ballistics though this online calculator you will find that the Barnes Original spritzer 300 gr .458 is hard to beat in drop and wind. Using the MMP orange sabot and BH 209 it can be pushed to 1950 fps easily and will out perform even the Barnes TMZ BT bullets.

JBM - Calculations
If you run the ballistics though this online calculator you will find that the Barnes Original spritzer 300 gr .458 is hard to beat in drop and wind. Using the MMP orange sabot and BH 209 it can be pushed to 1950 fps easily and will out perform even the Barnes TMZ BT bullets.

JBM - Calculations

i try the TMZ's this summer, same with the BH209.. dont have time to play this season...
My go-to loads before I went smokeless were the 200SST over 110gr 777 and the 325gr .458 FTX over 135gr 777. I only shot a couple deer with the FTX before going smokeless but I was VERY impressed with the results. Shot one buck from about 20 feet away through the front of the chest, recovering the bullet in the back ham on the opposite corner of the deer with >70% weight retention.

I killed deer with that 200 SST load out to 400 yards, which I considered max range for that load. The FTX load shot about the same trajectory, but with much less drift and a lot more energy (it's been a few years, I'd have to look up the numbers. I shot the FTX load to 500 yards on paper with good results.
Finally got to shoot today....copper 245 powerbelts printed 3" groups at 100 yards...
Hornady 300g fpb 1.5"
And the 300g aerolights went two in one hole and the 3rd only 1/2" to the right.....

This was the first time ive EVER shot a ml and im hooked, was usin 2 50g white hot pellets behind all bullets and t7 primers, ran a dry patch after every shot.... only took one solvent patch 3 or 4 times and three dry patches to come compleatly clean...
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