Custom built muzzy

Ok sounds good on the 1:18.

Just to clarify, this is the brake your talking of correct? My smith said he was fine going with this.

Ok sounds good on the 1:18.

Just to clarify, this is the brake your talking of correct? My smith said he was fine going with this.

View attachment 285081

That is the exact brake and the one you see the guy shooting in the first video. He's sending 200grs of T7 out that bore.

Kinda looks a little like mine............... :)

1/20 twist will be fine. I have experimented with several twist rates all the way to 1/34 with 300 gr bullets. Without getting into too much detail and starting a big argument the faster the twist rate the worse the spin drift is at longer distances. Just keep it stable.

A Rem Varmint/ Sendero contour is about as small as u can go. Don't forget the hole in the bbl is .458 so there's not a lot of metal around it. By all means go with a 1.25 x 5" shank. I know of several people that shoot this contour and they shoot great and aren't extremely heavy.

I usually run a little heavier bbl. the Hvy Varmint is my favorite contour. It helps to mitigate the recoil some even with a good brake.

2800 fps is a mild load for a properly built smokeless mzl. With the right powders loads in excess of 3200 fps and 300 gr bullets are quite normal and safe.

It is amazing what these rifles are capable of. I understand there are those who will read this and call bull crap. I too was once in that crowd. I'm not from Missouri but I had to be showed as well.

U can't go wrong with either a Brux or a Bartlein. I also have a Krieger and a Rock Creek. Use a good action and stock and the best scope u can afford and u might just leave the centerfire at home next hunting season. These things are fun.
Went on the brux website and was looking it over and learning. Right now am leaning to a heavier barrel then spiral fluting to shave weight but still keep enough strength.

These are my options. I should give them a call and see what they say about it.

Thanks much for all the help and input. Keep it coming.

Standard Barrel Contours
Notice: #4 and smaller contours must be 24"-27" in length.

Sporter Barrel Contours

Brux Barrels Custom Contours

Questions About Contours? Call us Mon-Fri 8-5 P.M. CST [HIDDEN]
Sporter Barrel ContoursABCDEFGEst. Weight (lbs)
#1 Light Sporter1.2502.250.56024276.7602.5
#2 Standard Sporter1.2502.750.60024276.8002.8
#3 Medium Sporter1.2502.750.63026276.8303.0
#4 Heavy Sporterr1.2502.750.67026276.8703.5
#5 Bull Sporter1.2502.750.70026276.9004.0
#6 Heavy Bull Sporter1.2502.750.750262761.0004.5
Rem Varmint1.2502.200.83026276.9604.5

Varmint & Match Contours

Brux Contours - Custom Cut Rifling Barrels

Questions About Contours? Call us Mon-Fri 8-5 P.M. CST [HIDDEN]
Varmint and Match ContoursABCDEEst. Weight (lbs)
#7 Light Target1.2002.750.75026275.5
#8 Standard Target1.2002.750.82026276.0
#9 Heavy Target1.2502.750.87526276.5
#10 MTU1.2502.750.93026277.0
#11 Straight Blank 1.2502.7501.250242710.0
#12 SS Oversize OD1.450-1.450262713.0
#12 CM Oversize OD2.000-2.000262723.0
#13 50BMG2.000-2.000262732.0
#17 Heavy Varmint1.2505.000.90026277.0
#18 Light Varmint1.2005.000.87526276.5
#19 Hunter1.2504.000.75026276.0

Palma Contours 1&2

Brux Custom Rifle Barrels Contours

Questions About Contours? Call us Mon-Fri 8-5 P.M. CST [HIDDEN]
Palma ContoursABCDEFGEst. Weight (lbs)
#14 Heavy Palma1.2502.500.900303151.0006.5
#15 Standard Palma1.2502.500.820303150.9205.5
#16 Light Palma1.2502.500.750303150.9004.5

Home || About || Contact || Contours || Order
I tried to order a break on LRC website but it seems a little confusing having both the 45 and 50 cal together and can't click one or the other. Is it me or or is the website a little messed up? Can someone tell what I'm doing wrong? Lol
I sent them a message for help last week but have not heard back.
Thanks, but it won't show me what is in my cart. You can't click either 45 or 50 to make sure you have what you want. Am i just supposed to pick the no sabot on the 45 cal and not do anything with the 50 and just hope that's the one that I'm ordering?

MZ-REX 2 Premium Brake Kit

5.0 star rating1 Review

$250.00 $235.00
45 caliber saboted bullet no sabot
50 cal saboted bullet non saboted bullet

With the MZ-REX 2 Brake Premium Kit, you get all the benefits of the awesome braking power of the MZ-REX Brake, the aluminum powder funnel, the LR Customs Bullet Alignment Starter Tool. This system, when used correctly, will ensure concentricity of the bullet at its most critical moment, starting down the barrel. The advent of long nosed, high BC bullets on the market has given rise to corkscrewing and alignment issues. When dealing with sabots, it is very easy to misalign the bullets as they start down the bore, causing a corkscrewing effect as the bullet is fired. This tool, when coupled with the MZ-REX brake, is much like having a reloading press attached to your barrel. Please choose caliber, saboted or non saboted
Threads are 3/4 x 24 tpi

not threaded for CVA Paramount 45 cal



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5.0 star rating 1 Review

  • Reviews (1)

Chad C.
Verified Reviewer

5.0 star rating

Game changer

Review by Chad C. on 5 Oct 2020review stating Game changer
My Knight muzzleloader used to punish me when I shot it. In fact my daughter and dad both got a scope "kiss" from shooting it. I had Levi install a MZ-Rex 2 brake brake on it this summer. It is pleasant to shoot now. Recoil similar to a 270/30.06 now. Not to mention looks cool too.
Share ' Share Review by Chad C. on 5 Oct 2020




Remington Ultimate 45 conversion
Remington Ultimate 45 conversion

MZ-REX 2 Premium Brake Kit
MZ-REX 2 Premium Brake Kit
5.0 star rating

MB-REX - .30 caliber and up. barrel diameter .80 to 1
MB-REX - .30 caliber and up. barrel diameter .80" to 1"
5.0 star rating

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I tried to order a break on LRC website but it seems a little confusing having both the 45 and 50 cal together and can't click one or the other. Is it me or or is the website a little messed up? Can someone tell what I'm doing wrong? Lol
I sent them a message for help last week but have not heard back.
Ok, I just received this message back from Levi. He asks that you contact him through is regular email instead of the site.
I'll get on his ask about getting the site server fixed right.

[email protected]
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