Custom built muzzy

I'm thinking of going with a spiral fluted barrel to shave a little weight plus i like the way it looks. This ok on a long range muzzy?

Thanks folks, good tips and ideas.
What distances are you planning on shooting? What game animals?
I wouldn't shoot BH unless it's a legal requirement...but BH is the best non smokeless powder available.
I prefer LR primers vs 209 primers. Flush cups are my go to as well vs studs or bottom rails.... this of course is personal preference.
Also some 45 barrels are for. 458 bullets and others are .451.....451 has more bullets choices without having to resize..... the selection in this category will likely increase with the 450 BM's popularity.

Good luck
One thing that I have seen with the Pittman Aeromax bullets is a lot of meat damage in whitetails when shot at closer ranges with higher MV's. I am pushing the Pittman Aeromax 300g bullet @ a MV of 2800 fps. 100-150 yd impacts are pretty ugly. Don't get me wrong, the deer is dead, and I will be shooting them again this year, but I will be aiming where there isn't much meat to damage.
i have put together a lot of ml that have been used on deer , elk ' barbary and oryx . we use 209 and Lukes bore rider bullets.Just call Luke at Arrowhesd Sports. He can set you up with a Brux barrel or Bartlien and if you want a Kelby action that is ml only. His rifles are accurate and deadly.
What distances are you planning on shooting? What game animals?
I wouldn't shoot BH unless it's a legal requirement...but BH is the best non smokeless powder available.
I prefer LR primers vs 209 primers. Flush cups are my go to as well vs studs or bottom rails.... this of course is personal preference.
Also some 45 barrels are for. 458 bullets and others are .451.....451 has more bullets choices without having to resize..... the selection in this category will likely increase with the 450 BM's popularity.

Good luck
400 maybe 500 yards hopefully less.
Elk in i hope Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. Outfitters i have talked to in Arizona and Utah hunt bulls in somewhat open terrain and cannot stalk any closer due to no cover and i don't want to walk away from a nice bull. Thanks
I would order the barrel from Luke at Arrowhead sporting goods or make sure when ordering from Brux that you specify that it will be for a smokeless muzzleloader so that they will make the breech end longer to accommodate the breech plug etc... Even if you never use smokeless powder it would be no more expensive to build it to smokeless specs and just use BH 209.
Talk with Luke at Arrowhead or Jeff at Hankins Custom Rifles.
Both build excellent rifles and know how to guide u through ur decision making.
There are several things mzl shooters have learned over the past few yrs that can be benificial to the shooter and if ur smith isn't up to date u may be better off going with one of these guys.

My only suggestion is whichever bbl contour u choose go with a full 5"x 1.250"
shank at the breech. U can shoot heavy smokeless charges and it adds a level of safety compared to the shorter shanks.

Good luck on ur build. U will love it.
No intention of using smokeless but with that said, never say never and never ever say always. Lol That's great advice, i will go that route. Thanks

Is a 26" barrel about right? With a brake i don't want to get too long.
I do not know about the bbl length using a black powder substitute. However with smokeless powders 26" is fine. U can gain a few fps with a longer bbl but as always it's a trade off.
400 maybe 500 yards hopefully less.
Elk in i hope Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. Outfitters i have talked to in Arizona and Utah hunt bulls in somewhat open terrain and cannot stalk any closer due to no cover and i don't want to walk away from a nice bull. Thanks

With your anticipated distances, I wouldn't even consider BH. There's a massive difference between 2200 fps and 2800 fps at that yardage. Good luck with your build... there's been a bunch of good advice to help guide you.
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