Best boots

Crispi Guides, 200g thinsulate. Pair of gators. Feet stayed warm, great for hiking, great support packing out a load. Not the best for sitting long days in sub zero temps tho.
They replaced a pair of Irish Setter Elk hunters that did well but didn't hold up to all the Colorado Elk hunting with all the side hill hiking. All the leather has stretched out.
I bought a pair of Meindl Kibo GTXs for my Montana trip this year and they were great! Insulated and lots of support. Cheaper than both the Kennetrek and the Crispis I looked at. My old pair lasted for a good number of years and trips.
I bought a pair of Meindl Kibo GTXs for my Montana trip this year and they were great! Insulated and lots of support. Cheaper than both the Kennetrek and the Crispis I looked at. My old pair lasted for a good number of years and trips.
What do those Kibos fit like? Are they like the perfect hikers is what I'm wondering? Roomy toe box? Same fit for the most part?

I have wide feet and they fit me very well, roomy in the toe box. My old pair is a cabelas boot made by meindl, they are probably comparable to the Vakuum boot they make now. I went with the size I would normally wear and I could've went down a half size like their website suggests. But they are a great boot.

I have wide feet and they fit me very well, roomy in the toe box. My old pair is a cabelas boot made by meindl, they are probably comparable to the Vakuum boot they make now. I went with the size I would normally wear and I could've went down a half size like their website suggests. But they are a great boot.
Thanks! Good info. Yeah I love the perfect hikers and hunters. Maybe I'll try the kibo.
Kenetrec mtn extreme ni. Good support, great traction, long life. Had them for 8-9 years. Tread was worn down, started to delaminate in a couple flex areas a couple years ago, 1 boot started to leak over toes. Sent them in and they sent me a new pair at no charge!
Which is the best for hiking for miles and for warmth

after many years of hunting in mountains l have came to the conclusion that a good pair of grippy sport shoes are much bettter then boots. boots hinder your manuverbility and can become dangerous in certan situtaions. shoes give way better anckle movement then boots there fore makeing you move better in rugged terain.
Glad so many positive comments on Kenetrek's my luck has not been as good...while my first pair hung in there second pair leaked, then the front of the sole came lose, after repairs then did ok...I went elsewhere for mountain boots. I have used Crispi Barksdale SF, and La Sportiva and while I would not call them super comfortable are good mountain hunting boots...stiff and dependable

I have multiple pair of Russell boots....chukka, prickly pear bird shooters, and grand slam sheep hunter...all are super comfortable...and I say are awesome boots--but will say they are not "stiff" enough for truly steep country. I'd put my Russell miles ahead of Kenetreks


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For the hiking part of the question I'll go with my Salomon Quest 4DGTX hands down. They are supportive and incredibly comfortable. Are they warm,....while I'm hiking and after I've stopped for an hour, yes. Are they for wearing while sitting in a tree stand in 20 degrees, no.

Dirty Steve

I second this, they're amazing boots. And not nearly as expensive as some of the others like crispi and kenetrek
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