Best boots

I'm a big Lathrop & Sons Extreme Hunter fan. The insoles, fitting, and boot are top notch. Used them chasing Sheep, Mule Deer, and Elk.


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Feet are unique and boots should be chosen accordingly, but having said that, Hoffman Explorers have been hands down my absolute favorite boot.
Solomon. comfortable for hiking, but as stated above, punctures are a problem. Just tried on a Kenetrek, feels good, Cabelas has a 90 day return policy.
I'm going to check out Lathrop and Hoffman, but if you can't return them, it's an expensive test..
Kenetreks are the most comfortable boot for MY feet. The only thing is be prepared to resole much sooner than you would expect. I barely got over three seasons before the soles were noticeably worn down. However, I did send them back for the refurbishment option and they returned as good as new.

I only got one season out of mine-eyelets pulled out, sole worn out, stitching popped. There are a LOT better boots out there than the Kennetreks. I think they work fine if they fit you heels but if not, you will be rolling your ankle more than you should. They worked really good one established trails. I had an original pair of Meindl Alaskans- they were a great boot. The new Meindl stuff, not so much.

I recently had a pair of Danners rebuilt. I scrapped the airbob sole and went with the Sierra. It completely depends the kind of country you are planning to hunt in. Where I deer hunt, boots only last ONE year. I'm out 200 days a year so that's part of the problem.
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