Best boots

I had the Salomon Quest GTX for the last two years, and wore them constantly. They were great and lightweight, but weren't waterproof after about 4 mos. Still wear them when I'm working outside and it isn't raining. I love the boots.

To try something new I picked up some Asolo Landscapes and after about two months I'm not thrilled. They just don't have that same comfortable fit I had on the Salomons. I thought it'd be cool to replace the soles on the Asolos, but now I'm wondering if it's something I'm going to want to keep using long term. There's nothing wrong with the Asolos quality-wise, they're just not the same comfortable fit.
kenetrek by far I get boots via the VA for service conec injuries went thru dozens of boots you name the brand and I've done them all, I found the kenetreks and never looked back. I get the specialty set (otho style) for bad ankles and feet they work for me, have talked a few other vets into them and they all seem to like them, have heard that if they do not fit you right you should move on to another brand but most do not have the sizing range, I have several sets that I give away as the vendors do not want them back get new ones quite often and the old boots are still quite serviceable the foot bed will not work for others but I usually save the original insoles, I have a few sets of danners and west coasts that have no to little wear they just did not work out
You can't go wrong with the LL Bean mountain boots made in Europe. I love mine but also have a pair of Meindls that can't be beat. Only boot that doesn't upset my planters fasciitis
I had a pair of Stoney Creek Rusa Greywacke boots for 10 years & they started to fail mainly because of my improper cleaning otherwise I would still have them.
I liked them so much before they did fail I bought another pair when I saw them on special & had them in the cupboard for a few years before I needed them.

This pair I am just wiping with a damp cloth & using a soft brush on to remove dirt/mud from the bases so I expect they will last much longer than 10 years,

A very good value boot considering some of the others mentioned can run into the $400-$600AU mark.

If you can spend as little as possible & get a boot that is 100% waterproof, comfortable & warm then there is more money I can spend on actual shooting gear ;)
I've tried multiple high end boots and will never wear anything but Zamberlan now. However, boots are definitely a personalized thing. What fits you may not fit a lot of other people. I would order a few pairs and wear em around the house. Keep the one you like and send the rest back.
I have a pair of the USA made Danner East Ridge's that I'm really liking a lot right now. I've got a full hunting season and have started my shed season in them and they have been as good as anything I've used in the past.

I've also owned nearly every Meindl made, and tons of other brands........but so far these new Danner's have been fantastic and I plan on using them for quite some time. They are sew down construction as well so once I really wear them out I can send them back to be rebuilt.
Put it this way I have a pair of Kenetrek Mountain Extremes that I sent back to have resolved this summer. Had the lugs down to nothing. Many many miles put on them in the mountains. Darn good boot!
Maybe I am odd but the best boots I have ever used have all been military issue. My old Air Force Danners (cold weather issue in Malmstrum AFB, MT) are great for the days that dip below 0* and are still going since 1994. My USMC suede boots (Vibrams) have gone through 2 1/2 deployments and 8 years of use and have help in all temps down to single digits with good socks. I willhave to replace those soon, but they are soooo comfortable I am afraid to. Probably about the time I am about to come back from this tour. That way they are free for me. MAybe you can find the civilian equivilant?
Thought I'd update on the Asolo Landscapes. I just got back from an 8 day archery elk hunt. The dew was making my feet wet. Once I got back home I returned them.

I just picked up some La Sportiva Nucleo gtx. It's what my buddy was wearing and he said they were great. His feet stayed dry and blister free which is especially impressive as he had zero break in time prior to our hunt.

So far, mine feel a little narrow but I'm hoping they break in.
Lots of fine brands of boots suggested. But it's all about how the boots fit YOU! For example, Salomon 4d that many suggest here, just don't fit my feet , not enough volume. I need a wide toe box and snug heel etc etc. You may be opposite. I love , just love real German made meindel boots. But another poster here wouldn't take free ones. And on and on...there is no single best for even one specific activity. Have to buy and try in the house. Return what doesn't work, as near as you can tell, cuz you really can't 100% know until you get some mountain time in them.
Lowas ,meindel, asolo, kennetrek, han wags, schnees, and many other very well made boots out there.
And if you have a gore Tex boot leak, contact gore Tex themselves. They often stand behind boots that the boot maker won't .
Crispia Lapponia is a great lightweight option for mileage. However, if you will be packing weight, a heavier boot is advisable as the ankle support is not great. I have always had good luck with Asolo boots.
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