Best 22 cal rifle

Have any of you guys read up on where many international sniper teams are using the 22LR as a simulated trainer for real world 308 tactical use? I forget the percentage offhand, but there's supposed to be a pretty consistent relationship in drop and holds, etc.

Granted the 308 may not be the ruler in that category nowawdays, but still the concept is pretty interesting! One country has a full 1/3rd scale (if I recall correctly) training facility setup where all the shots are taken w/ 22LRs to simulate full caliber distances.

My Club just started 100 and 200-yard benchrest and offhand competitions for 22LRs and some of the results are astounding! It is also bringing out NEW shooters - so that's a plus too!

A new 22LR-built AR began turning heads when it beat out all of the Anshultz and Win 52s and other 'older' premium 22LR target rifles, like 40XBs and the like. That is until I finally pulled an old Ballard single shot Schuetzen rifle out of the safe and used that to beat the AR! Haha, looks like sometimes 1890s technology can compete with the latest & greatest barrel-tuned mojo rifle of the year build ... and but of course the stock design rules for offhand use. Offhand at 200-yards ... with a 22 rimfire! ... can humble a person quickly.
I practice LR routinely with my 22LR set up. It is pretty close to a 3 to 1 relationship to my 308 using 168 Federal Match against my 22 loaded with 40gr Federal Match HV. 1000 yards elev and wind is 9.5/2.5 MILS for my 308. 300 yards is 10.8/3.0 MILS with the 22LR. A very viable and cost effective way to practice, particularly wind management.
A Remington 541s would be my first choice and I see that there is a new one for sale on Gunbroker at the moment. Also there is a person on Gunbroker selling metal 5 shot magazines for the 541s.
My second choice would be a Weihrauch 66 Production but I am unsure whether they are available in the USA although I have been told they were designed for the US market.
My Savage TR with an MDT Chassis/Vortex AMG that is set up for Rimfire PRS. It also works quite well for long shots on game. It shoots Lapua CX and Fed HV Match well. Easy 1st shot hits out to 300+ yards programming the velocity/BC in my G7 Rangefinder. Shown using Lapua Center-X.

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@Greyfox I'm glad to see your stance remains consistent even after posting on this thread almost 5 years ago (on the 1st page)...that's a solid endorsement over a very good amount of trigger time for that TR!! I may have to go look at getting one now- was planning on a new 10/22 for my 5 year old son, but as usual, this forum has me questioning everything.
@Greyfox I'm glad to see your stance remains consistent even after posting on this thread almost 5 years ago (on the 1st page)...that's a solid endorsement over a very good amount of trigger time for that TR!! I may have to go look at getting one now- was planning on a new 10/22 for my 5 year old son, but as usual, this forum has me questioning everything.

Yes! It's been an accurate and reliable rifle, as has the one bought by my son-in-law around the same time. I must have near 10,000 rounds through this rifle and it's as accurate as the day I bought it. I just give it a good cleaning every 1000 rounds or so.
I had a Browning A-Bolt that was fantastic and I just sold it. I have a Ruger American with a suppressor and Timney trigger that does pretty well. Had a Savage MKII that was pretty accurate, but my all time favorite is a Kimber (Yonkers) Classic Varminter Stainless Fluted Barrel that is out of this it. Little laser
One of my favorite .22 rimfires is my Weatherby MK XXII I get amazing accuracy from it, but my true love in rimfires is my Winchester Mod 9422 one in .22 S, l, LR the other in .22 magnum, and both show outstanding accuracy off the bench and just plain fun to walk around the field with popping Sage-rat's.
Winchester 9422 & 9422M circa 1974 & 1972 001.jpg
Weatherby XXII with Leupold M8x6 42mm Leupold rings, test target 003.jpg
.22 Rifle Challenger Sport

Basic configuration

â€" Small bore action «Challenger»

-.22LR with barrel diameter 23.5 mm

â€" Match trigger 50 g to 160 g

â€" Cartridge ejector, switchable on/off

â€" Center sight line

â€" Sight line center position 157 mm

â€" Precision diopter with front sight base and front sight tunnel

â€" BLEIKER Sporting stock

â€" Stock color anthracite / silver

â€" Stock width 46 mm

â€" Grip M, rotatable, lengthwise adjustment

â€" Sight line extension tube 157 mm

â€" Front sight base

â€" Service booklet

â€" User and maintenance manual

â€" Original test group 50

â€" BLEIKER Butt plate «Super-Grip Match 1»

â€" Cheek piece with fine adjustment

â€" Stock weights, 2 x 100 g

â€" BLEIKER Hand stop

â€" Tool


â€" Grip S/M/L/XL

â€" Stock width 52 mm (wide)

â€" Stock color: blue / silver

â€" Various rackets

All pistol prices reflect 5% discount for check or money order
I've gotten a couple of nice 22 over the years.
CZ 455 Varmint, Mossberg 144, Mossberg 144 LSA, Anschutz 64 Match, and Kimber 82 Government. Also your normal 10/22s, Savages and so on.
The CZ is a great rifle at a decent price, and most shops have it. I also like that it doesn't feel like a small gun.
Have a Anschutz 1710 dkl that is accurate as anything but doesn't eject worth a ****. Bought a Vudoo V22 and will never look back. More than pleased.
You will probably get lots of different 22s recommended and I have my favorite to just like everyone else.

I like and use the Anschutz. and would highly recommend them . I have never had one that didn,t
shoot really good. I also have two Anschutz in 17 HMR and they are tack drivers.

They are Hi end rifles but well worth the money.


I would agree, I have a Weatherby Mark XXII .22 LR which uses the Anshutz 64 action, it an amazingly accurate .22 rimfire. but'..., to be honest, as much as I like it my favorite is my Winchester 9422's one in .22 S.L.LR the other .22 Mag they are also unbelievably accurate rimfires.

I just rechecked the thread and it looks like I've already said it....geeezzz! getting old. Anyone know where I parked my car??? o_O
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I have a CZ 455 Varmint with a few additions. I put a flash suppressor (removeable) on the threaded barrel, about $100.00, added a custom bolt (about $120.00), and custom painted. Has a nice braided paracord sling and a caldwell bipod I will throw in. This rifle absolutely loves Federal Automatch that are about 17 bucks for a 325 rd carton and readily available. It is a serious tack driver. I have $750.00+ in it, minus scope and mounts. I don't have time to shoot it and it sits in the safe. Would let it go for $400.00 firm w/o scope. Ship for 35.00.


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