Berger VLD load for 300 RUM

I called Berger bullets and then sent Walt Berger an email asking about the 168 VLD. Walt himself sent me a quick reply for my 300 WM with load info suggesting I use the 168 VLD for my rifle. If I were you, I would call and also send him an email. He's a super nice guy who will spend the time to answer your questions. Just a suggestion.

I had the same positive experience with Walt Berger. I'm using the 168 VLD with Ram Shot Mag and my gun loves the combination.
It's my understanding the Sierra's have a slightly thicker wall then the Berger's. So, why not meplat the bullet tip of the Sierra's so they expand on contact better, and you will have the best of both worlds.
See, I told ya I could be wrong. I got those BC #s from my exbal pocket pc. Guess there is a discrepency between exbal and the manufactures websites.
It's my understanding the Sierra's have a slightly thicker wall then the Berger's. So, why not meplat the bullet tip of the Sierra's so they expand on contact better, and you will have the best of both worlds.

I thought the meplat was the tip of the bullet? Are you saying to modify the meplat of the Sierra? Over my head if so.

You have read my $.02 before on these bullets. I love them and I think that 168 is the perfect all around bullet. Your RUM should be pushing the bullet about the same as my 300 Wby Mag, I'd guess. The BC on the 168 VLD is higher than most 30 cal 180 gr. bullets. Anyhow, I am using IMR 7828 and 215 primers.... The gun is shooting them well. Good luck.


You have read my $.02 before on these bullets. I love them and I think that 168 is the perfect all around bullet. Your RUM should be pushing the bullet about the same as my 300 Wby Mag, I'd guess. The BC on the 168 VLD is higher than most 30 cal 180 gr. bullets. Anyhow, I am using IMR 7828 and 215 primers.... The gun is shooting them well. Good luck.


Thanks CnS. I think I'm going to mess around with both the 168's and the 210's. The BC on the 210's is waaaaaaaaay too tempting not to play with. Especially since i should be able to get about 3100 fps safely. Walt Berger sent me some great info on both, which i'd be happy to pass along to anyone who is interested. :cool:
Thanks CnS. I think I'm going to mess around with both the 168's and the 210's. The BC on the 210's is waaaaaaaaay too tempting not to play with. Especially since i should be able to get about 3100 fps safely. Walt Berger sent me some great info on both, which i'd be happy to pass along to anyone who is interested. :cool:

I would be intersted in the info Walt provided if you wouldn't mind forwarding it along. I just had LSR build me a new 300RUM and I've got about 6 boxes of bullets ready to load, including a box of the Berger 210 VLD's.

Fortunately, I also have some of the Federal Premium brass that was produced in special runs a few years ago. This is really nice brass.
I would be intersted in the info Walt provided if you wouldn't mind forwarding it along. I just had LSR build me a new 300RUM and I've got about 6 boxes of bullets ready to load, including a box of the Berger 210 VLD's.

Fortunately, I also have some of the Federal Premium brass that was produced in special runs a few years ago. This is really nice brass.

No problem, PM me your email address and I'll forward it to you.

You have read my $.02 before on these bullets. I love them and I think that 168 is the perfect all around bullet. Your RUM should be pushing the bullet about the same as my 300 Wby Mag, I'd guess. The BC on the 168 VLD is higher than most 30 cal 180 gr. bullets. Anyhow, I am using IMR 7828 and 215 primers.... The gun is shooting them well. Good luck.


CnS, I also love the 168 VLD. Can you tell us what kind of speed you are getting with 7828? Thanks.
CnS, I also love the 168 VLD. Can you tell us what kind of speed you are getting with 7828? Thanks.

According to the Berger info that CNS just forwarded to me, you shoud get 3,371 ft/sec from the 168 VLD with a max load of 92.7gr of IMR7828SSC. That is in the 300 RUM you're asking about; correct?
Thanks CnS. I think I'm going to mess around with both the 168's and the 210's. The BC on the 210's is waaaaaaaaay too tempting not to play with. Especially since i should be able to get about 3100 fps safely. Walt Berger sent me some great info on both, which i'd be happy to pass along to anyone who is interested. :cool:

Considering this is what the thread is about, why not just post the Berger data on this thread ?
It's not pretty, but it's legible... I think.


These values are all computed standard metro (0 elevation, 59 degrees, 78% humidity) with a 26" barrel using Quick Load. Your values may be higher. If you still would rather have it emailed just send me a PM.
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