Berger VLD load for 300 RUM

I use the 168 vld in my pac-nor bbld. (1-12 twist) 300 rum. So far have coyote at 830 yds., muley @ 468 yds, and 3 elk, 520/470/330 yds., all one shot kills, the vld is very deadly, i found h-1000 to be the best in my rifle.
If you have a 10 or 11 twist there is no question. 210 Berger. They cost less than a 210 Sierra and out perform the Seirra. I like Sierra bullets a lot but the 210 Berger shines at the 1000 yard range in Williamsport PA. Most of the guys shooting 210's are using the Bergers. If you have a 10 twist the 240 SMK is worth a try. With the .711 BC it sure hits hard at long range and the wind doesn't effect it as much. I've killed a lot of game with the SMK bullets and they perform very well for hunting purposes. Like one other guy said why mess with that little bullet when you have a gun capable of shooting a bigger better performing bullet.
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