115 gr Berger VLD load for my 25-06

I decided to also take up the challenge. I have loaded up a test group of loads for my 25-06 with the 115grain VLD's. Instead of using H4831sc I decided to go a little different route. I loaded up with Retumbo. According to Berger's data, they should still be quite fast and will see how they are for accuracy. Mine are loaded with a start load at 57.5 grains in .5 grain increments up to 61 grains. If Berger's data is correct, then I should be well over 3000 FPS and hovering around 3100 FPS. I loaded using Remington once fired brass(in my test rifle) and CCI 250 Primers. The loads started to compress at 60 grains. It will be interesting to see what happens for accuracy. There are 8 three round groups total. My COAL is 3.285". Currently, I am .035 off the lands. I will post results tomorrow. Oh yeah, the rifle is a Ruger MKII walnut stock. This rifle was around .6" consistently with Barnes 100 TSX. Stay Tuned. Results to come.
The results from Retumbo. You are right, these VLD's can be hard to find a load for. How far were you off the lands?



I have two charges that merit a little extra work or attention. the 59grain and 60 grain loads. I will be working with the 60 grain load first as it had the smallest group size. I will see if I can't get that ES down into the low teens or single digits. 26 fps ES is not quite into the acceptable range but I think I can improve it. I have several other primers that I would like to try. These were loaded with CCI 250's. I would like to try some BR-2's and perhaps some CCI 200's. I would also like to try working with my seat depth a bit. I think that there are two nodes here for sure. I will also be working with the 59 grain load in a similar fashion. I couldn't believe that this bullet was extreme in its accuracy. Either it was approaching a small group or was way out in left field. There was no middle ground at all. The Barnes that this rifle has been shooting were no where near this radical or unpredictable.
I found my best accuracy with H4831SC with the bullets seated right at the lands. I was also using BR-2 primers. When I put a round in to see how it would feed, the bullet had slight rifling marks on it when it was ejected out.

I tried retumbo but I just couldn't get it to group well. I will be trying it again just to see but wasn't too happy with it on the first go around. Hope yours goes better.

I will be trying 53.5 and 54 gr of H4831SC again but doing 4 round groups through a chrono to see how fast it is going. Will post those when I get to the range again.
I was using IMR 4831 with my load for 100 grain TSX. It worked well with that bullet. However, I am pleasantly surprised with the velocities that Retumbo is offering. I am faster with Retumbo and the 115 grain VLD than I was with IMR 4831 and a 100 grain TSX. Go figure right? That tsx load was hot too! I have a few more test loads for tomorrow that I will post the results of when I get them. I have found a load that is under an inch with a SD of 9 fps!! I am trying some different seat depts to see If I can can bring the group in a little bit. I am also trying some with a different primer than the original load. It will be fun to see what happens.
Well, I believe that I am done with my load development with the 115 gr VLD in the 25-06. Final load is:

54gr of H4831SC seated at OAL of 2.748 (using Hornady OAL gauge)

Average velocity is 3075fps (taken from 4 shot groups with SD of 9fps)

Group size of the 4 shot group was .472 (no pics because I forgot the camera haha)

I know that you can get a little more speed with Retumbo and IMR 4831. I can't get the accuracy with either that I could with H4831SC and I am only going to be shooting deer and antelope with this gun so I will only be shooting out to 600 yards with it. The 100 fps or so that I would get from Retumbo or IMR4831 is really not going to make that big of a difference in Foot Lbs of energy or velocity at those ranges. I ran the speeds through the Ballistics calculator.
hey thanks for the updates, you and Fircat got me really fired up to go and test my loads. i had to finish some load testing for a 7mm mag and a 375 H&H. i hope to go shoot on tuesday and i will compare my data with yours. once again thanks for the info..... good shooting Bear
I did alot of load testing with my 25-06 and berger 115's last year. My rifle is a pre-64 winchester model 70 rebarreled with a 24" Benchmark tube.

I found good accuracy AND velocity (3100 fps) from Retumbo. I am using 57.6 grains with Nosler custom brass (tends to have less capacity than other brass) and WLR primers.

The reason I decided to post this was to chime in on the velocity and ES comments. I had ALOT of problems with CCI BR2 primers. Not sure why, but the velocities were all over the place. When I switched to Winchester primers I found quite a bit more velocity and the ES began to come down to a respectable number. You might try switching primers. My theory was the cci's were not hot enough for a consistent burn.

I think that occasionally my chrono will throw me a bad number when I am shooting without the sky screens on. It only happens rarely, so I don't get too excited about it.
Jaycoux, I was having the most deviation with the CCI 250's. They are certainly hot enough. Perhaps overkill. Working with Retumbo in my 25-06 has been a delight. The velocities have been surprising. I have had good luck with the CCI BR-2's today. Interestingly enough, they were similar in velocity to the Magnum primers. Here are the results from today.


Not to shabby for a completely stock/factory Ruger MKII. The only thing I have done to it is float the barrel. I think that I can get it even a touch tighter if I work with the trigger and the seating depths of these loads.
Well, I believe that I am done with my load development with the 115 gr VLD in the 25-06. Final load is:

54gr of H4831SC seated at OAL of 2.748 (using Hornady OAL gauge)

Average velocity is 3075fps (taken from 4 shot groups with SD of 9fps)

Group size of the 4 shot group was .472 (no pics because I forgot the camera haha)

I know that you can get a little more speed with Retumbo and IMR 4831. I can't get the accuracy with either that I could with H4831SC and I am only going to be shooting deer and antelope with this gun so I will only be shooting out to 600 yards with it. The 100 fps or so that I would get from Retumbo or IMR4831 is really not going to make that big of a difference in Foot Lbs of energy or velocity at those ranges. I ran the speeds through the Ballistics calculator.

Congrats on finding a great load!!! From the size of the groups that you posted, I would be well pleased. I think you are right on track to find a load that not only offers lower deviation in velocities, but tight groups. When you are shooting sub MOA at 600 yards, you will never miss 75 fps. It goes to show that each rifle has it's own character and preferences.
I had my lowest deviation in velocity using BR-2 primers as well. I am still going to keep trying with Retumbo and see how it goes because its fun haha.

Firecat you should have yourself a great deer load with that combination. Good shooting too.

Keep us posted on how your shooting goes and that goes for you as well Bear. I will be going on a Mule Deer hunt in November here in New Mexico. I will post some pics of the wound cavity from these rounds for you all. I have never shot game with this bullet so I am interested to see the results.

Just got 3 10" AR500 plates and am going to start shooting out to 600 yards to get some practice.
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