Benchmark Barrels

Here's 5 shots at 425 yards with my's the worst, LOL. Oh, and that's with factory ammo. Maybe I should TUNE it with handloads, haha.
They make great barrels. This pic is for a 6.5 when I went to sight it in for sighting for the first time. Upper group was 3 shot group 100 yds with consistent wind right to left. I am pleased with this barrel on a Sig Sauer SG 3000. I would order others from them.


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They aren't being used in benchrest or f class from what I have seen
I am sure they do. But for me, accuracy is accuracy. If the people that shoot for group size and score records aren't using them, it won't be my first choice.

Maybe we should all have a look at the Benchmark Facebook page and see what their barrels have accomplished. They have been used in many shooting sports (predominately PRS/NRL) with much success. I have personally shot out a number for their barrels (both button and cut) and have been extremely happy with them. Additionally, if you call Benchmark you will encounter some of the friendliest and most knowledgable people in the industry. Their barrels are top shelf!!!
I'm pretty sure Benchmark is making cut rifled barrels now
Yeah they are. Cut or buttoned can be ordered from them. Looks like benchmark was being used quite a bit in PRS & NRL. Which I know is a different game than benchrest but it looks like they hung in there with bartlein, Krieger, & hawk hill as far as the winners circle.
Unless you actually put the barrel on the rifle the br guys are shooting you don't know exactly what they are using. You know what they say they are using. I put alot of barrels on from barrel companies most have never heard of and most of those guys will tell you it's a bartlein or kreiger. Some of the very best barrels are still made in one man shops. Just like one man gunsmiths. When the owner of the company is doing every step himself the qc is better because he is invested in his own company. Remember the old adage if you want something done right.
I've spun up some benchmarks and they have been stellar. I really think all the top barrel makers put out fantastic barrels and would personally put any of them on my customs. Hunting or match.
I live 30 minutes north of them. I have been to the "factory" several times. (I put "factory" in quotes, because it is actually a converted dairy farm).

I personally know and have breakfast occasionally with the man that built their new CNC rifling machines. (The same ones he built for John Krieger).

Benchmark is good to go.
i have 1 hell's canyon (benchmark blank) and 1 benchmark. Both of them shoot awesome. Both clean up awesome! Highly recommend. My personal best was shot with my stainless benchmark. 3shots at 640. .908" group.

benchmark has been in the top 5 barrels used by the top 100 shooters in prs since 2012 I believe. It holds multiple f class records. They do very well.

I have benchmark, bartlein, ks and a krieger. They all shoot well. I wouldn't hesitate to by any of them again. Due to availability majority of the barrels from here in though will most likely be benchmark or ks
Unless you actually put the barrel on the rifle the br guys are shooting you don't know exactly what they are using. You know what they say they are using. I put alot of barrels on from barrel companies most have never heard of and most of those guys will tell you it's a bartlein or kreiger. Some of the very best barrels are still made in one man shops. Just like one man gunsmiths. When the owner of the company is doing every step himself the qc is better because he is invested in his own company. Remember the old adage if you want something done right.
I've spun up some benchmarks and they have been stellar. I really think all the top barrel makers put out fantastic barrels and would personally put any of them on my customs. Hunting or match.
I have long suspected that about some not really giving up the info on what barrel they are really shooting. Back when I used to fish alot, several fellows wouldn't divulge what lure/lures they was using when they one the tournament. They would have a rod on the deck with a lure tied to it just so they could say it was the lure they used to win with, while they would put the winning lure/lures out of sight. I can see the reasons why this would happen.
Back in my fishing tournament days I would start the day with budweiser beer can crankbaits on my rods. When I came back for weigh in I was too lazy to put them back on so I usually just cut the line and reeled it up and had nothing on them. Got lots of compliments on those crankbaits. Bedding used to make them. No I never threw one to see if they even swam good.
Back to shooting compatition. I know lots of guys that say they shoot bergers but if you walk by them on the firing line you can tell they are not bergers. Vast majority of guys just tell it like it is. Even if you copied my load of the best shooters load it probably isn't the best in your rifle. Might give you a starting place but you need to do the work to make it the best.
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