Benchmark Barrels feedback please

The batch of bad steel was sorted out awhile ago and fixed. We no longer use that mfg. Just FYI. Thanks for all the good words everyone :)
Benchmark Barrels
I bought 2 last year, willing to sell one, a 28" fluted stainless steel, 30 cal, 1-10 twist #4 contour.

I'm keeping the other for a 300wsm build.

I'd take a decent offer if someone wants the 28".

email me at [email protected].

I want to say that i bought one to try! and now i am super glad i bought one!!! To see that my money is safe in a company that is willing to suck up there pride and take a hit on some bad barrels and make it right!!! (even if it was there fault they could have tried to say it wasn't there fault)
Just wanna say good job!! gun)
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