Benchmark Barrels group buy!!

Yes this is still open, but I will be closing the remaining openings on Feb 4. Savages are still regular price at $495 and that includes a new smooth nut.
When you say savages are $495, just for action? or barreled and chambered?
Can you list what is included on the $495.00 Savage?
Im in for a full build!... action, barrel, brake etc.... ive been calling for 2 days and have left message. I don't want to miss out on this great deal.... I will continue to call until I am answered. I refuse to let this group buy slip through!
Chris may be at the SHOT show, so we likely need to wait him out a few days. I sent him a PM too to get in on the group buy. Patiently waiting.
Hey Everyone,
Got back from SHOT and life is back to normal here at the shop. The group buy is still on for a couple days.
How much for a #5 contour fluted with a muzzle break for a small shank savage chambered in 28 nosler?
Alright everyone after today the group buy is closed. Thanks for all the support and orders, we look forward to running into our fellow shooters/hunters out in the field. :D
Stay safe and Happy hunting!
Benchmark Barrels
Here's to hoping benchmark runs another group buy in 2016. Count me in if they do. Love their barrels.
Warning! This thread is more than 10 years ago old.
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