Benchmark Barrels group buy!!

OK everyone, lets roll with the group buy! Go ahead and call your orders in 3606522594 I'm gonna open 50 spots for rebarreling. Our turnaround will be around 45 days this year. And please note if you add painting, bedding or full builds you will be in the 90 day range. Any add-ons will be more $$ and possibly time.
Thanks for a great year! And for your business!
Benchmark Barrels
Chris, I saw you will include the Tikka T3's what is the price going to be on a rebarrel? Also will you guys match the factory contour on a T3 338 win? its a light barrel
Hey for all you local guys, you can bring your guns in and get the group buy as well.
Thanks everyone!
Looking at one of these for a 300 Winchester Mag, #4 contour. How much more for fluting and a brake? Going on a Borden action.
count me in for 338 edge chambering on rem 700 fluted mtu and one of your brakes 1-10 5 grooves. had you guys do two actions last year they are both wonderful shooters,
Sounds good everyone! We are back in the today feel free to call in your order.
Happy new year everyone!!
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