Well-Known Member
Well, you've answered the question, Lapua cases have LESS capacity than Winchester cases, as I said there was a parameter difference between loads, don't ever assume what works in another brass brand will work in the brand you're using. Reading your last post, it is clear that you do not realise how much difference there can be between case capacities in different brands. As a result of those differences there CAN be a 5gr difference between loads, even in a small case like the 243AI.
I feel you are pushing the limit trying these very slow powders, you would be better off with slightly faster powders.
After looking at a few manuals, it appears that in the 243 with 105gr pills, 42gr of RE22 was max, so you should be starting there, slow powders like RE22 don't like a lot of air space, they actually work best slightly compressed.
I feel you are pushing the limit trying these very slow powders, you would be better off with slightly faster powders.
After looking at a few manuals, it appears that in the 243 with 105gr pills, 42gr of RE22 was max, so you should be starting there, slow powders like RE22 don't like a lot of air space, they actually work best slightly compressed.