Are you shooting as much with the ammo shortage ?

Still go to the outdoor range weekly to participate in maintenance and repair (M&R). Seeing less damage to targets than in the past. We normally shoot for an hour or so after M&R. Last Tuesday, when asked why I wasn't shooting, I simply said that, instead of shooting, I was just going to go home and throw silver dollars into the hill in back of our house. Low on everything but brass - nothing is available and, if it were, I couldn't justify paying the prices being asked. All dry fire now while I conserve what I have left that goes "boom."
A year ago I was shooting 1000 to 1500 rounds a month. Basically was at the indoor or the outdoor range every day. Sometimes both. I went last week and was amazed at how much of my ability I retained even though I had not live shot in three months. But even though I am not hurting financially, it hurt to hit targets at a buck a round replacement cost. I feel a need to keep my reserve. I hope something changes soon.
My local Rifle / pistol range has a sign in sign out book. I noticed in the last 30 days 13 people signed the book ! We use to average 25 people a day on weekends 8 on week days in the dead of winter. A lot more than that it summer. The ammo problem could cause a lot rifle ranges / clubs to double membership fees or even close. When members are shooting , they get their gun out and shoot 5 or 8 shots and jump back in car and that's it ! If ammo companies dont get their act together the the recreation shooting industry is over . Yes I blame the ammo companies. They blame not having skilled workers , machines , components. Will I use to work at the largest ammo mfg company in USA. Its far from rocket science making ammo , any one one can run the machines , some one could be trained in less than 2 weeks with trainers being right there in the work sale.
Gear up man....... The days of shooting paper is over. If you are not defending yourself with ammo or shooting a animal to eat , or shooting a animal for its fur you are depleting your ammo at a huge cost. The new gold standard IS AMMO. Marty
I'm not to far off of my normal. I only shoot reloads as what I shoot is for ELR. I had some brass fail from the manufacturer and had to send it back, so that is what is benching me currently on one rifle.
No, lost all of my guns in a burglary when I was out of town. Bastards stole all the ammo plus all of my reloading supplies too. Darnedest thing. Just shooting my bow now and an old daisy BB gun.

i set all my guns/ammo on the roof of my truck the other day and drove off. went back to find them and they were gone.
I just bought today a 1000 of .357 and .308 pills. You can't find primers anywhere. But I have enough to keep going for now. I don't go out and shoot a few hundred a day like before 2020.

I never saw this coming and kick myself for not staying on top of things
Still go to the outdoor range weekly to participate in maintenance and repair (M&R). Seeing less damage to targets than in the past. We normally shoot for an hour or so after M&R. Last Tuesday, when asked why I wasn't shooting, I simply said that, instead of shooting, I was just going to go home and throw silver dollars into the hill in back of our house. Low on everything but brass - nothing is available and, if it were, I couldn't justify paying the prices being asked. All dry fire now while I conserve what I have left that goes "boom."
Valek: You may want to save those silver dollars to make bullets! After everything that has happened in the last year or so, I won't be surprised to find out that Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff are really werewolves :eek:
That may explain why Nancy is so nervous and Adam can't keep his eyes from popping out--they are both struggling to maintain their human form. And if things keep going the way they are going, pretty soon they won't have to. 🌕
I'm fortunate that I started precision airgun shooting a few years ago. The community I live in has a 20 lane airgun range. We can shoot to 100 yds, and have never been closed. We use every other bench for proper social distancing and observe suggested guidelines while socializing. So far there has not been a shortage of pellets and air. I personally shoot around 10,000 pellets yearly. It really keeps your shooting skills sharp and is lots of fun.
I have gone to the range a few times lately but I took more pow pows and only shot them about 6 times each or less .I even hate working up new loads burning up powder and primers .I don't this ammo and reloading supply shortage will end for years .It was like this all 8 years of oboma .I am going to swap meets from forums that are based out of GA the prices for stuff is just way too high .I was teaching a youth shooting group but that had to be canceled from lack of ammo .I am starting to mold bullets for my pistols again to be able to shoot much .I am thinking about making a civil war model cannon to
I haven't shot since January 2019. They scared the absolute crap out of everybody with the media then our communist PA governor shut down our ranges and gun shops for a few months.

I'm still kicking myself for not realizing the run was coming and honesty didn't expect Trump to lose so I didn't start buying any more components like primers or powder until about August when I saw there wasn't really a supply anymore. I got a few thousand more of each primer type and bullet type I needed though luckily. I'm going to start shooting again this spring but not nearly as much.

I'm not hurting for stuff by any means but I'm not blasting 100 rounds a week from any of my ARs or pistols until normal priced supplies come back. I'll just have to work on long range bolt action rounds for a while to prep for my next Wyoming hunt in 2023.
No, I am not shooting as much. Only 22 pistols, some 38's. I will shoot some long range steel matches this year, so I'm saving my 6mm ammo for those. Hunting loads just enough to be sure.
I am hoping that if these new laws pass congress, i.e., 30% tax on guns and 50% tax on ammo, and fed license required to buy, that supply will open up again. Guns are already up 30% and ammo is up 100%, so once supply comes back, prices should be lower than now.
I only shoot for load development and .22s because I need to shoot all the old stuff I have. I'm saving some practice rounds to confirm zero and the rest are hunting rounds. I'm really sad about the price gouging but it's what the market will bear.
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