Are you shooting as much with the ammo shortage ?

I still shoot the monthly NBRSA 1000 yard competition in Tucson, two calibers and about 80 rounds including sighters. I have enough components for about another year and figured we would be back to available supply by then but you guys have me concerned now. My preferred primers will be gone first, but I have alternates. I like to shoot occasional Service Rifle Match and have a pretty good stash AR15 ammo but don't want to waste it just making noise. Will have to make practice count.

I can make my own revolver ammo and should be able to hold out for a good long time if I just plink a box or two (100 rounds or so) per outing not even once a month these days. I too have a good supply of 22LR.

But what bothers me most is I have plans for building a 6BR PRS type rifle and will need dies and components for that and they are evaporated right now with little bright outlook for the future. Being retired is nice, but I need my ammo!
It goes in pretty predictable waves, like this current shortage. Election years are full of panic buying, and ergo, higher prices. I don't see availability increasing, nor prices decreasing for at least a year.

Tangentially, years ago after I came home from Iraq my grandfather started sharing stories of his time from Omaha Beach to Berlin. He told me of how they would routinely come across farms and ask about weapons, the replies were nearly identical, that they had weapons an that the GIs were welcome to them as they hadn't had ammo for years. Hitler had shifted ammo production more and more to the state, and the sports shooters and hunters kept hunting and shooting making due until the flow ultimately stopped.

There are far too many grasshoppers and far too few ants.
I have gone to the range a few times lately but I took more pow pows and only shot them about 6 times each or less .I even hate working up new loads burning up powder and primers .I don't this ammo and reloading supply shortage will end for years .It was like this all 8 years of oboma .I am going to swap meets from forums that are based out of GA the prices for stuff is just way too high .I was teaching a youth shooting group but that had to be canceled from lack of ammo .I am starting to mold bullets for my pistols again to be able to shoot much .I am thinking about making a civil war model cannon to shoot rocks out of for fun because ammo is cheap .
I'm blasting away, I learned my lesson 12 years ago and it took. And no I didn't hoard your ammo or components. Every time I wanted something I bit the bullet and bought double. Now I'm sitting on 30k plus primers and 90-100# of powder and enough brass to start a foundry. I started casting 30 years ago for just 45/70 and ML, 12 years ago I got a mold for nearly everything that made sense and some that didn't I have tens of thousands of bullets too. I learned how to mix batches of lead and get consistent hardness, heat treat it and powder coat.
I shoot as time allows. Ive got more components now than ever. I just stop by all the local stores and pick up whatever I see that ill use. Im still picking up primers on a weekly basis. Ive found rl-26, and a 8lb keg of h4350 in the past month. Ordered 500 109 berger hybrids yesterday. Currently I have enough components minus projectiles to burn out my current 6mm barrel. Which is good because prs season is rapidly approaching.
I have a large stockpile of ammo that I've been buildng for 30 years. I don't know how many you are allowed to have without the atf getting interested, but I have less than whatever that number is alphabet bois..

But yeah, I normally shoot quite a bit in the next few months between the cold and the ridiculous summer heat, but it will definitely be scaled back this year. I also shot significantly less in the fall than I normally do. I am still hunting a few days a week, and I want to go to Texas or Oklahoma to shoot pigs one day soon, (if I can ever find a good spot), and I don't hesitate to tap my supply to hunt. I hope this garbage ends soon though
The best way to find out is keep posting about your quantities.......Silence is golden....
Cannon.... I have said it for years - I want a cannon!

I have stopped pistol matches for the most part, carbine too. I paid for a run and gun but may just consider that a donation to the cause (high round count carbine/handgun, weather, being a sorry *** grumpy old man who should know better🤪...).

I shot more than I wanted to last weekend but it was an "event" with old buddies I have known since Jr High. Back in the day we struggled with anything over 100 yards. This trip was a weekend get together and was just really cool (we are early 50's now). After a few zero'd at 100 everything else was 535 out to 1200. I had not shot my 6.5CM past 710 until this weekend so time was spent between there and 1200. We had a blast!

Now it is back to more dry fire than live fire at the range. Looking to go when the wind is up or temps swing. More watching and studying wind, working on 4Dof (well, making sure I am putting in the correct data), recognizing the significance of all the littel data and saving the powder, primers, and freedom seeds...

Might make an annealer...
Still shooting about the same but now my only realistic choice is to drive an hour to our outdoor club range. The local indoor range had to limit the number of shooting booths (closed every other one), establish a reservation system and put a limit of 1 hour per reservation all due to the pandemic. The second in-door range in the area closed due to mis-management.
At the club range I noticed that three types of behavior has developed. Those who traditionally bought their handgun ammo were doing more talking than shooting; really old guys (like me) who reload and have been through a number of shortages and had stockpiled components are still shooting as much; and finally, the long distance (600 meters) shooters who's toys use a lot of powder were not shooting nearly as often and were transitioning to handguns and 22LR rifles.
"Are you shooting as much with the ammo shortage ?"

No! Apart from the fact that my local state dept of wildlife range is under a limited operating schedule, concerns over covid-19 has forced me to stop practicing at the range until such time as vaccines become widely available. In addition the current market disruptions and spike in cost of ammunition forces me to conserve my cache as much as I can because I simply cannot afford to replenish at current prices. I am not at all convinced this has anything to do with new gun ownership or supply disruptions. I rather suspect a large part of what we are seeing is just the result of corporate greed and the desire to maximize profits.
I am afraid it is only going to get worst with ammo registration and more gun control at the Fed level. If we loose the NRA I don't know what will happen to the recreational shooter hunter. I am really spooked about it.
I am afraid it is only going to get worst with ammo registration and more gun control at the Fed level. If we loose the NRA I don't know what will happen to the recreational shooter hunter. I am really spooked about it.

^^^^^^^^ This ^^^^^^

Anyone thinking and acting like this shortage is a temporary thing......may be in for a very sad awakening! Times have changed dramatically! memtb
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