Are you on Facebook?

Are you on Facebook?

  • Yes

    Votes: 950 48.1%
  • No

    Votes: 373 18.9%
  • No, but I may join

    Votes: 20 1.0%
  • No way, are you kidding?

    Votes: 674 34.1%

  • Total voters
Probably a profit generating hobby by now haha. A lot of sponsors and adds, and Len does have a gear shop and sell rifles thru here also.

Guess when the bullet stabilizes, he'll have to go to a heavier weight and step up the twist lol.

I love that this site is so thoroughly devoted to long range hunting and shooting. I hope to enjoy, benefit from, and benefit others through this site.

I don't do FB, but I wouldn't mind being asked to contribute to LRH directly if operating costs aren't being met or improvements need to be made.
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Had an account for a couple of months. I figured out that if I haven't spoken to someone in 10 years, there's a pretty good reason for it. I no longer have the account.
No, and I don't plan to be. I see no reason to make myself known to every person who wants to pester me with nonsense. My business is my own....unless I am on a great website such as this one. Frankly, I'd rather be out there killing flies on targets than wasting time on useless sites like facebook.
I spend too much time on the 4 or 5 hunting forums that I visit anyway, so I don't need Facebook.[/QUOTE]

I'm with derby, I spend way too much time reading about hunting and guns to screw around with that annoying site. :D

I would qualify this in that I have a facebook "account" but do nothing with it. For that matter, I have the "security" so heavily layered, I have my doubts anyone could find me, or see what few posts I make.

Nothing is so hard to contemplate; difficult to obtain; problematic to comprehend; bring under control; be rid of; feared by many; despised by more; and rejected by most than something new.

That statement is a Machiavellian paraphrase.

Here's a couple of ticklers:

Most of us fortunate have two ears, two eyes, two nostrils, two exhausts for unused intake, two brain lobes, but only one mouth. Too many of us use the last far more frequently than the former. We forget that even a fish wouldn't get into trouble if he kept his mouth shut.

Learning is living, it's the heart's beat; disable either of the former and the latter's deceased.

How many lives were, and are, lost to preserve our way of life, to retain our freedom of choice. We don't have to eat everything at the table--or even what's on our plate.

So I'm on Facebook, but I only enter that which I determine is propitious, safe, and harmless. Or so I may think at the time, but I own my mistakes just as I do successes. Mostly I'm a watcher, listener, and I'd like to think--learner. I still like to avail myself the experiences of others and how better to do that than stay connected?

Best of all I make the decision (s) when to visit, what to enter, and when to sign off. That's why I chose to live where I do.

I've been on it for several years and at first it was a great way to stay updated on family that was scattered all over the country. Now it seems like most of the time that I check it I am just skimming the opinions of people whose opinions I don't value too much on issues I care very little about. I'm about to trim my "friends" from whatever it is to about 10 or 12.
Since I could care less if anyone finds me, or if I ever play any of those silly games. I do NOT have a Facebook account. This may sound odd because my career evolves around computers, databases and user support. I really just don't see a need to know that someone just woke up and had a cup of coffee or that their dog took a dump in the backyard. Facebook is one of the most useless pieces of technology that has ever been developed.

Ok guys, I am done b**ching now.
