You went farther that I would, good info even if material properties arent exact. The weight difference sounds appropriate, and correlates with some of the comments in this thread from those who weighed the difference.Used their default for Annealed 4130 steel. Wasn't happy with the annealed aspect, but didn't have time to install something else. It was a quick exercise! That alone is likely some of the unexpected numbers, but I don't think that it is the whole story.
FWIW it is rare that I use that part of SW. I'd love it if someone more familiar with that package repeated my experiment, first with the annealed 4130 and then again with 4130 at some level of HT so that we could see how the difference in HT affects the results.
The deflection you used is largely subjective to how you set up the simulation.... eg, put one of the flute ribs perfectly symmetrically centered on the vertical plane and on the bottom of the barrel for odd number flutes, rerun the deflection simulation pushing down and it probably will be more stiffer. That said, I don't think deflection is representative to simulating barrel harmonics... I'm not certain how one would even set that up in a CAD program. I think it would get complicated, maybe model in the chamber and recoil lug. Fix the simulation to the lug and put 60K psi on the contact area where the bolt lugs contact. I cant think of a way to simulate a bullet moving down the barrel...
FWIW, everyone interested in barrel harmonics should watch this super slo mo Bryan Litz did of barre movement when fired. Only rearward movement not any up/down.... no visible harmonics.