Anyone use a 8mm/RUM or 8mm/378 WBY


I have a 7mmSTW....and one of my hunting buddies has a 7mm RUM...and the only differences I can tell is that the RUM ammo is a wee-bit easier to find....until seems like the STW is making a come-back in a BIG way!

As far as flight-patterns, MV, ME, & Ballistics, they're NOT that different.

I'd recommend the STW...It's probably one of my all-time favorite rounds...because I love explaining it's origins, and what it was originally designed for.

Not to mention it's what you call a "big boomer".
I was flipping through web sites, and have noticed Remington doesnt chamber it anymore. Who is offering factory chamberings for the STW ? I would love to have a high speed tack driver.
I was flipping through web sites, and have noticed Remington doesnt chamber it anymore. Who is offering factory chamberings for the STW ? I would love to have a high speed tack driver.
Yeah, I know...

Unfortunately for everyone on earth, I have THE very last one, EVER produced by Remington, other than a custom shop rifle.

I have a Remington 700 Senderso SF (Stainless Fluted)

I'm fixing to get a muzzle-brake installed on it in the near future.

I believe Winchester, Sako, Ruger, Savage, & some others have produced guns in this caliber???

If you have a Savage Ultra-Long can just get it re-barreled for 7mmSTW, and have the bolt-face either opened or closed to accept the casing
If I go factory, I might just get either an XCR or Sendero in one of the RUM's. OR, just get a .300 Win Mag in a 110FP Savage.
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If I go factory, I might just get either an XCR or Sendero in one of the RUM's. OR, just get a .300 Win Mag in a 110FP Savage.
Tang, I would highly recommend the Sendero...only because I know how well they hold-up when firing a true big-bore.

I don't know too much about Savage weapons...b/c I've never bought one.

If I'm spending the money, I'll just spend an extra $50 and get the Remington.

Not that there's anything wrong with Savage...I've just never been a big fan of their products.

I feel like you would like a 7mm RUM, if that's what you want???

I'd recommend finding a used Sendero in 7mmSTW.

Either way, I can assure you, if you choose between a 7mmSTW or a 7mmRUM, you'll be happy.
I have an all around hunting rifle (Ruger M77 in .300 WM). Now I want something a little faster than the .325 to play with. One of the big 7's would be just the trick. Want to work on my long range shooting.

By the way, can the RUM or STW be built in a standard Remington 700 long action (30-06) ?
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I have an all around hunting rifle (Ruger M77 in .300 WM). Now I want something a little faster than the .325 to play with. One of the big 7's would be just the trick. Want to work on my long range shooting.

By the way, can the RUM or STW be built in a standard Remington 700 long action (30-06) ?
Sounds like a 7mmSTW is just what you need!

It's chained-lightning!!!

Unfortunately...I'm not 100% sure...but it might work in a regular Remington L.A.???

I can call my gunsmith and ask him, if you want me to?

For hunting, I just bought a Weatherby Accumark chambered in .257 Weatherby Mag.

It's rippin' that 110gr. AccuBond @ like 3,460 fps!!!
My gun shop friend just called me. He just got in a .300 RUM BDL that he said he would swap me for my Savage .325 WSM. Tis very tempting.
My gun shop friend just called me. He just got in a .300 RUM BDL that he said he would swap me for my Savage .325 WSM. Tis very tempting.
If it's a 700 BDL in a RUM can have it re-barreled to a 7mmSTW!!!

I don't know how much you love your .325 WSM...but I would trade, re-barrel it to 7mmSTW....and NEVER look back!!!

You can even buy FACTORY-PRODUCED Federal Premium 7mmSTW bullets loaded with 160gr. AccuBond bullets!!!!!!!!!!!

Now...they just came out, not too long I haven't tried them yet...BUT I know someone who has...and he said he dropped a Moose @ over 500 yards with one shot with those, in 7mmSTW!!!!!!

That's a BADD bullet!!!

I'm buying some, when I get the money!!!
Go for it you will have a ball.

I will stand corrected on the reloading of the Weatherby brass. I once had a 30-378, and in my research I could swear that I got that info from Weatherby. I can not find it now, so my apologies.

Slayer, I am not a great authority on shooting, guns, and reloading. I know more than some, and less than a lot of others. I like to come here and share with like minded individuals, and hope that I can learn something. So please, don't make me out to be more than I am. I give my 2 cents when I think that it is worth that much.

Here is an example of my ineptness. How in the heck do you use these little icons in the post. They are the only way to give some sort of voice inflection in a statement, and I can't seem to put them in a post.

Thanks, Steve
I'm liking this forum, although my shooting is waaay below the abilities of most (probably all) here.


To use the emoticons, click the "reply" button, dont use the quick reply. Then you can just click on the smilies to the right.
I'm liking this forum, although my shooting is waaay below the abilities of most (probably all) here.


To use the emoticons, click the "reply" button, dont use the quick reply. Then you can just click on the smilies to the right.
First...Steve, I don't understand you're question?

And secondly...Tang, this is what makes this forum so much fun.

Because there is always gonna be someone on here that's below your level of shooting....YET...there's always gonna be someone on here that's better than your level of shooting.

And nobody cares how good or bad you least, not to my knowledge?

It's all about sharing ideas, having fun, and gaining knowledge & experience.

So, don't be bashful...if you have a question about anything on here (whether you think it's a dumb question, or not)...just ask it!

Because there's no such thing as a "dumb question"...only dumb people!!! Hahaha!!! Just kidding!!!

It's what my Uncle always tells me.
I would stick with 300 RUM til the barrel is done and then rebarrel to a 338 Edge for the best long range performance from a Remington action. 7mm RUM is going to give bad barrel life if you shoot it a lot, and the 300 RUM has very similar ballistics, not worth a rebarrel to me. The 7mm STW isn't that big of a "big-bore" and won't do anything better than a 300 RUM...I see no reason to rebarrel. However, a brake is definetly suggested if you plan on shooting much with it!
I would stick with 300 RUM til the barrel is done and then rebarrel to a 338 Edge for the best long range performance from a Remington action. 7mm RUM is going to give bad barrel life if you shoot it a lot, and the 300 RUM has very similar ballistics, not worth a rebarrel to me. The 7mm STW isn't that big of a "big-bore" and won't do anything better than a 300 RUM...I see no reason to rebarrel. However, a brake is definetly suggested if you plan on shooting much with it!
.338 Edge is a Bad round...from what I've heard.

I've never shot, I don't know how to compare it with anything.

If I had to guess I would probably say it's similar to a .338 Lapua???

The 7mmSTW, isn't a "monster-bore" rifle...however, it's a good shooter, with good ballistics, high barrel life, and can put quite a whompin' on something, if you use the right ammo, for your application.

That's the only reason I was suggesting it.

Tyler knows more than's up to you.
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