8mm magnum

I'll add myself to the boat of 8mm Rem Mag fans. While it certainly isn't a bench rifle (at least not in a BDL spotter configuration), it is absolutely devastating on game. Mine never could settle into a partition load that it liked, but the TSXs shot beautifully.

I think it fair to say that the 8mm Rem Mag is my favorite cartridge.
Yep one of my favorite as well. I would put it on par with my 340 WTBY for killing effectiveness. I have bought every box of ammo I have seen on the shelf (few and far between) but after 25+ years I have alot of brass now. Ive always wanted to smack a moose with it the only moose Ive ever shot was with one of my 340's its impressive the moose I mean he took it just stood there about 10-15 seconds and then just tipped over.
I too have witnessed many animals fall to the big 8mm. My dad and some really close friends have hunted with the big 8 for close to 30+ years now. Just a few weeks back I was able to get my own and I'm looking forward to some load development with some 221gr Hammer Hunters soon
416 Rem Mag , 358 STA, 7mm STW, 257 STW, 375 H&H AI, 300 Ackly Improved, 300 & 338 Jarrett and countless other wildcats since the 8Mag came about in 1978, It's not simply the 375 H&H case necked down, Remington designers actually applied wildcat techniques and improved the case by pushing the shoulder up, enlarging the top of body from the ridiculously diving taper of the 375 H&H at .448" to .486" allowing up to 5-6 gr more case capacity, making the 8mm Rem Mag case much more attractive than the outdated skinny look of the 375 H&H ...

Roy Weathery shortened his Wby cases to 2.825" from the standard H&H/Rem max case length of 2.850" and went with a longer neck pushing the shoulder down and created his signature radiused shoulder design .... BUT improved the top of body/shoulder junction diameter to .492" in order to maximize case capacity ....

The 8mm RM, 300 @ 340 Wby are within +- 1 grain in case capacity difference, brass make will change capacity somewhat as well

Back in the early 90's I exclusively hunted Alaska moose, brown & black bear with a 300 Win Mag & 8mm Rem Mag and have absolutely noticed the difference in immediate killing effectiveness of the 8mm Mag over the 300 Win Mag .. on parr with the 340 Weatherby ....

Peterson is now making top notch 300 Wby brass and I've got a bunch of it for my 300 Wby & necking it up for my 340 Wby, 8mm Rem Mag & my brothers 375 H&H , this brass should breathe new life into the 8mm Rem Mag, 350 STA, 7mm STW etc ...

I'm definitely resurrecting my 8mm Rem Mag as it's my all time favorite cartridge

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My 8mm rem mag shoots 220 Sierras into less the 3/4" at 200 yards (many 3 shot groups). I get 3000+ fps in my 27" bull barrel using IMR7977. I have an 8x68 that loves 220 woodleighs at 2800, and a 338-8mm rem with a weatherby style freebore that is shooting 225 TTSX at 2950 from a 24" barrel. That last rifle will get a 30" tube, with less freebore this spring. The 8mm mag doesn't get the respect it deserves!
I too have witnessed many animals fall to the big 8mm. My dad and some really close friends have hunted with the big 8 for close to 30+ years now. Just a few weeks back I was able to get my own and I'm looking forward to some load development with some 221gr Hammer Hunters soon
I don't know how to do a PM, but I have around 70 221 Hammer Hunters that I would send your way. I would be interested in seeing your load work-up. My email is [email protected] if you are interested
I don't know how to do a PM, but I have around 70 221 Hammer Hunters that I would send your way. I would be interested in seeing your load work-up. My email is [email protected] if you are interested

To do a PM you press or click on the members avatar. There info will pop up, then click start conversation and go through the steps.
If ya have a PM there will be a red number at the the top of your page over an envelope, press or click on that and go through the steps
Hope that helps
One of the greatest big game cartridges of all time that nobody ever heard of...a great design sabotaged by it's inventors....JUNK bullets at high velocity at close range equals disaster....put a Nosler Partition or Barnes X-bullet in and your ready for anything walking on most of the planet...have one of the original bdl's that I love, great shooter also....
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