Anyone know the fate of the 6.8 western?

I think they just should've brought out a 1 in 8" twist line of rifles in 270wsm and marketed factory ammo to suit , would've cemented that size /power cartridge as a definitive step instead of so many factions that none will get a long term piece of the market and just give way to the 7mm's
So are you saying that with the 6.8W having the 1 in 7 1/2 & 1 in 8 twist options, does this cement it at that definitive step, meaning it will outlast the .270wsm? Be around long term?
I think they just should've brought out a 1 in 8" twist line of rifles in 270wsm and marketed factory ammo to suit , would've cemented that size /power cartridge as a definitive step instead of so many factions that none will get a long term piece of the market and just give way to the 7mm's
Any reason a 270 WSM reamer can't be run up in a 6.8 Western? End up with extra case capacity + the faster twist barrel?

Am I missing something here?
The Fate of the 6.8 Western.
I believe it will be similar to the 270wsm.
When the wsm came out the 10twt was fine for the ammo at that time. At that time SA Fat cases was the big deal.
WSM, WSSM. [ Winchester ]
Today [ Hornady ]. Creed. PRC.
Bullets since the WSM days have advanced and changed everything.
I'm a 270 Fan, in today's world we are the Red Headed step child, so to speak.
Yes if you are going to build a 270 to shoot the Heavy's a 7.5/8twt is a good choice.
To ream out a 6.8 to a WSM ????
I think a barrel change would be similar cost. The 6.8 Western is a Diamond in the rough. If you like it buy it. If you like the wsm and want to shoot the heavy's, just change your barrel.
I have a 27-08, 270win and a 270Rum and my next 270 will be a 270/7PRC.
Hope this helps. đź‘Ť