Any Model 70 love out there?

Once upon a time(circa. late 1950's)……
I've owned and sold three.

1. Extreme Weather 7mm-08, bad accuracy even after sending it to Hill Country Rifles for accurazing.

2. Pre 64 in .243, very accurate, think the old guns shot better

3. M70 Super Grade in 7mm Rem Mag, beautiful gun with striking wood, not very accurate

I may have been expecting too much from them.


One problem at least with the Classic models, last to be made in New Haven, they used what appears to be a "silicon" sleeve on the recooil lug, wich with time deteriorates and accuracy goes to hell. if you bed it, it shoots well.
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Once upon a time(circa. late 1950's)……
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You can tell by their ad that the CMP was cutting into the market back then. I have a sporterized 30-40 Kraig and a 1903a3, which I love and would never sell. Built by my father and his buddies, while drunk I believe, they tapped the 1903a3 receiver slightly crooked, SMH. Luckily the Leupold clamp type mounts of the day made it easy to line up the scope anyway.