I'm gonna condense as I don't keep really good notes. Fordy I will try to keep a notebook this coming year. I'll try to list the outliers I can remember as most seem to go down at the shot.
Year 2024 Whitetail Doe. 70 to 115 pounds Count 71 6.5 Grendel, 123 eldm. MV 2550fps Distance 50-450 yards mostly mid to high shoulder shots, a few neck and head shots, and some shots in the crease or quartering slightly to or away. Roughly 90 percent dropped at the shot. The following were the exceptions.
5 Chest shot behind shoulder average run around 40 yards then piled up. A couple made it 70 yards
2 different deer, running shots hit squarely in hams broadside at approx 150 yards. Continued to run 45 more yards before slowing down and were capped off immediately there with shoulder shots
1 doe 350 yards, broadside, diaphragm and gut hit, dropped, got up, dropped with shoulder shot.
Year 2024 Whitetail Doe. Count 18. Weight 75 -115 pounds
6.5 Creedmore gas 20" barrel with 123 eldm at 2775 or Winchester Deer Season 125 at approx 2750. Range 75-300 yards. 16 mid to high shoulder shots dropped at shot or down within 5 yards. 1 at 300 yards with DS125 hit behind shoulder. Went 25 yards and piled up. 1 large doe running at 75 yards hit broadside mid shoulder with DS 125. Skidded 7 yards and done.
Year 2024 Whitetail Doe. Count 9 Weight 75 -120 pounds
6.5-06. 26" barrel, Lapua Brass, H 1000, 147 eldm at 2936fps
Range 1 at 72 yards in crease, DRT. 4 between 400 and 500 yards. 3 dropped on spot. 1 took a step as I fired. Hit mid spine, dropped. Finished with quick shoulder shot.
Shot three more between 540 and 600 yards. Hit two mid to high shoulder, dropped on spot. Hit one high just behind shoulder, dropped on spot, kicked briefly, then done.
Shot 1 at 895 yards, broadside, hit behind shoulder, bucked but showed little other signs of being hit. I could not get a second shot. She walked 60 yards and fell over dead.
Year 2024, Whitetail Doe count 3 weight 90 to 100 pounds
6.5-06 26" barrel, Win Brass, H 4831sc, 140 eldm, 2990 fps
Distance 450-640 yards. The ones at 450 and 525 dropped on the spot, mid to high shoulder hits. The one at 640 was hit mid body broadside in line with front leg, exit was roughly same vicinity and slightly larger than golfball sized. She wheeled and made it 30 yards out of the field and piled up.
Also killed 4 hogs with the Grendel recently. 3 with 123 SST. 3 were shot in the neck at approx. 75 yards. 2 I shot again because they were trying to get back to their feet and all others were gone. One went 40 yards and expired.
The last hog was a sow around 125pounds. Shot her broadside in the crease with a 123 eldm. Exited opposite crease. Blood everywhere and excellent blood trail though I didn't need it. I could see her dead with the thermal about 35 yards away.
Interestingly one evening I put my son in a small field where he would have a max 200 yard shot. I was in another field across the road and could hear the impacts when he shot. He was using my other Grendel with thermal. Of the 12 he killed that evening only 3 went straight down. The rest had run 20 to 60 yards and piled up. Some actually making it out of the field. Watching the videos I saw why. All of his shots were quite a bit lower and more in the crease than I normally like to shoot. We discussed deer anatomy and changed his shot placement. He gets far less runners now.