I sent Edd a private message.
This is a little to smug for me. Smacks of elitism.
You don't think numbers on a data sheet should be accurate?
You don't have to hide your comments made to me.
I sent Edd a private message.
This is a little to smug for me. Smacks of elitism.
Goodie a loaded question. I wish you would stop hijacking threads for your own aggrandizement.gun)You don't think numbers on a data sheet should be accurate?
But why fixate on one attribute(gas mileage only)? Surely there are other things considered in a purchase.
Do you buy Bergers purely for accuracy of BC on the box? Or even for BC that's a smidge higher than another brand?
That's just one attribute of their bullets.
Now that that is all said and done.....get to making those 6.5mm 130 gr Hunting VLDs!