ADG brass has been very consistant old and new lots it has been weather it would hold up to any pressure. Josh has sent me the newest lot of 300 win mag and the 338 rum brass and they are a lot better in primer pockets and at holding pressure. still in early testing but 300 win mag is holding strong after 5 reloads
ADG brass has been very consistant old and new lots it has been weather it would hold up to any pressure. Josh has sent me the newest lot of 300 win mag and the 338 rum brass and they are a lot better in primer pockets and at holding pressure. still in early testing but 300 win mag is holding strong after 5 reloads
I had talked to josh a while ago about the primer pockets getting a little loose. They are a little on the loose side on mine, but still holding strong after 7 firings. I made the suggestion they run their production lots down to the low limit since they expand just a bit and it would put them right in the nominal. I'm sure I wasn't the only one, as that's what they have started doing. They're very receptive to customer input!
Rich, you're making the 6.5sst even more tempting for me... I've got a 1918 Mauser 98 I want to purdy up...
Josh is very interested in customer feed back. they did tighten the primer pockets as well as other changes and it has made a big difference.
I spoke with Greg not too long ago before we ordered my bunters. I sent him Bertram and Norma Saum (like we use now) and we set the pocket size about .0005" tighter than the others!! I told him I wanted TIGHT Pockets:D
Josh is an awesome guy. I have concerns with my creedmoor brass being loose even as virgin brass. After one firing I could almost set the primer all the way with my fingers. But its come to my attention they taper their pockets more than others so this may be the cause. I'm just going to run them and see how long they go. If I get 7-8 firings I'll be happy. If not, no more adg for me. It is very consistent brass though. They definitely make sure of that
Time is getting close. I spoke with Greg today and he has stamped out the first SS AND SST brass for testing. I will be shipping some around for testing next week. There is still time to pre order, but time is short.
Time is getting close. I spoke with Greg today and he has stamped out the first SS AND SST brass for testing. I will be shipping some around for testing next week. There is still time to pre order, but time is short.
Great news, how much longer do you think it's going to take before shipping pre-orders
Great news, how much longer do you think it's going to take before shipping pre-orders
Not sure yet until we go over the brass and see how it specs, but it sounds like there may be neck walls that are a little thick? This is because it is shortened Saum and the taper is thicker as you go down on the draw. If it is too thick, we will have to order another punch to thin out the production run. The good news is, it looks like it's going to work but may need a little tweaking. Stay tuned.
The first shipment of brass came in today. I have NEVER seen primer pockets that literally look like mirrors before, but these do! It appears the necks are a little thick, as suspected, but not a big deal. We will have to order a different punch to thin them down a bit before production. This was a result of shortening the saum case, so it got a little thicker lower down. Very correctable. I will be doing some measuring tomorrow and packaging some up to ship to various testers for the various chambers. Here is a sneak peak:cool::D


  • ADG 7SS  BRASS.jpg
    ADG 7SS BRASS.jpg
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  • ADG 7SS  BRASS.jpg
    ADG 7SS BRASS.jpg
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Tester 1 happened to conveniently be driving by Rich's place just after Santa (mailman) delivered the brass! As rich stated the primer pockets were also the first thing that caught my eye. Mirrors!
Rich parted out a few for me to take home and start playing. I will be torturing these in my 270ss and 300ss :)
Initial measurements on length put 35 pieces between 1.961-1.962" this left 5 that fell between 1.966-1.967". Pretty impressive I'd say!
Weight was also very impressive. Extreme spread ran from 219.0 on low end and 221.8 grains on high. The heaviest was 1.1 grains heavier than the next heaviest. 22 pieces fell between 219.5-220 grains. 32 pieces fell between 219.2-220.3 grains.
Initial measurements are very impressive and very encouraging to expect consistency.
I couldn't stand to wait until tomorrow either so I went out and measured a sample of 10 random brass. My findings were very similar to Ryan. i also found they were approx 6 grains lighter than my prepped Norma 7 SS brass. which had thinner necks. Hopefully, this will equate to CAPACITY!!
ADG random sample weight:length.jpg
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