86-year-old veteran sniper - 1,000 yard head shots

Great video.

From what I saw he out shot the younger fellas.

His "smaller" group was more uniform but placed higher due to, I think, the butt's position on his upper arm.

I know fella on here that shoots that well, and has the military experience to be in the same class of people.

This is a good place to be.......

That was a great video.

Give us soon to be old farts (you and me)...... something to shoot for....

In actuality, I'll be pretty content with making 86, let alone being able to shoot at 86.

The guy I work for is 73 and he's shooting just fine so anything is possible, providing we have the necessary parts left......
My father was a warrior under Patton. He died in 1986 one hell of a man he made big tracks. For this sniper to be accorded the Honors he has sets things right not just for him but for all of the warriors that served in WWII Great video and damned good shooting.
My Dad landed in N. Africa then went to Italy. He walked from Anzioto the top of Italy. He never said much other than never ever trust a muslim and General Mark Clark was a jerk.
Dad is gone now, passed in 04. He worked hard his entire life. He tried to give his children what he never had growing up. He was a hard man, but as he aged he tried so hard to understand my generation.
My Mom was a WAC. She too was overseas as an Army nurse. She never ever mentioned what she did or saw. She left us in 83.
How I miss them so.
If I can leave my daughter even some small amount of my parents courage and commitment, then I can go to my grave a blessed man.
God Bless America!!
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