7mm STW Brotherhood - For those who shoot the 7mm Shooting Times Westerner

Wow. This thread does get read and responded to Quick.

I will try To answer some of the questions , If I miss some let me know.

First= the action was a falling block (High Wall 1885) this was to keep the overall length of
the rifle to a reasonable limit because of the 31" barrel.

The twist was to fast (1 in 9) for the velocities I wanted and I should have tried a 1 in 10 or
a 1 in 12 . Then maybe I would not over spin the 140 and blow the jackets in the barrel.

Also a gain twist would have probably worked better for the kind of velocities I was trying for
(4000 ft/sec).

I had plenty of free bore so pressures were reasonable even though loads were maximum.

My shooting temps range from 40o to 100o+ and the standard LR primers worked better.
Any temps colder than 40o and I kept the ammo In my pocket until shot time.

Accuracy was very good (Less than 3/4 MOA at distances up to 1100 yards and kills were
within inches of the POA at 800+ yards with the ballistic tip and the wound was very good
with 1 to 2" exit .

However at less than 3 or 400 yards the ballistic tip would almost cut a deer in half (The reason
I carried two different loads) . my close range load used partitions or A Frames.

Now that there are more bonded core bullets and monolithic bullets the velocity I wanted
might be achievable with the proper set up.

The 140s @ 3700 to 3800 ft/sec are the flattest thing I have ever seen but it all came with a cost,
Mainly barrel life. Somewhere between 300 and 400 rounds and the barrel was finished.

Even though I had issues with My combination of parts the 7 STW allways impressed me and
I have owned many since.

I have several 7mm rifles that have a larger case capacity, but find myself going to the STW
when I need a flat,accurate powerful 7mm.

By the way, the best powder I had at the time was H 5010. Now that there are lots more slow
burning powders and other componants the 7 STW should be impressive with the right setup.

I find JE Custom's chime in interesting. For 1-300 yards and then 3-500 yards, what's a good bullet and speed with 140 grain shots on whitetail? and the same on tough hogs? Assume whitetail in temps from 15-55 degrees and hogs 30-80? Any thoughts, bullet and speed? It's nice to have meat left too.
I've been using 140 accubombs(accubond) at 3400+ fps for hunting in the old rifle. I've been playing with the 171 in this rifle, but I'll probably switch powders or shoot the 171's the my 7rem and tuck tail going back to the accubombs( I still have 100 new win brass loaded with 140 accubombs). They are too **** spendy for casual shooting though, so I may play with ballistic tip blems or hornady. The new pipe doesn't like rl25 and sierra's that well. It likes 'em with rl22 at 3250 fps. I can get nearly that speedgun) out of my 7rem.
I went out today and finished up my backstop at 500 yards...LOOKS great, however I will not be able to go any further, so 500 it is!! Just as I finished up the skies let loose and it came a tremendous thunder Strom,,oh well we need the rain, but I WANTED TO SHOOT!! While I was sitting in the house watching it rain cats and dogs I began to think,,,We always pay attention to the wind, temp, humidity, and all those things when we shoot and there is tons of info out there about that, but what does a good ol steady rainfall do to a bullet??? I mean a heavy, heavy rain most likely we could not see those distances, but lets say it is a good hard steady rain and you can see to shoot 500 yards, anyone know what it will do to a bullet?? Just something I thought of,lightbulb,,I mean at shorter distances say 100-200 yds I know it don't make enough of a difference to miss a deer as I've killed many in that setup,...OK guys chime in and educate me and then I promise to check it out when the weather co-operates again...

It's OK if all you say is "There you go thinking again!!"" LOL!!!!
Out to 500 unless its a frog stangler you wont see much differance after that it gets iffy
I've used I 5010 in the 7stw( and for fertilizer when it went bad) and it works very well with 160 and 175 gr. bullets.
The fastest speed I've seen(in 7stw) is 3550 out of a 24" 7stw( my dad's rifle) with 140 sierra's. I never pushed my last rifle past 3500 fps and shot mostly 140's with a smatering of 120gr., 150 gr., 160 gr., and 175 gr.. It went 1500 rounds and change before I decided to replace it. It was still shooting well under 1/2" for 3 pills.
I've driven 120 sierra bullets hard down both the old 7stw and 7ultra(crappy chambered one I gave back to the gun shop) and they would move! 3600 fps+ with 7828 in my stw with 120's, and an even 4000 fps with aa8700 in the 7rum with 120's. They were fairly accurate in the stw, not so much in the rum. I never put them through my second 7rum(the one with the good chamber) so I don't know if every 7rum is as fast. They were standard rem barrels.
I think it is as much barrel dependant as twist dependant as to rather a rifle like the stw wants to go fast or push hard with heavy bullets; usually they will want to do one or the other. I don't know if I've seen one that truely likes both.
If you use a good bonded bullet you'll be fine with one load. I even used only one load for the 7rum, and that was a lowly 140 sierra doing a cool 3500 fps. You didn't shoot meat with it. It got the job done to 700 yards and change too. Keep your shots in the "slats" and you don't need to worry so much.
Shooting in the rain....At 100 your safe unless it a frog strangler anything after that it gets iffy I have shot alot in the rain out to a thousand yards And have had three shots hit and then have one or two or three miss completly and then have one hit...I and several others in my platoon worked on this over a period of 8 years IMO its a crap shoot out past 500 But it can be done with a good spotter and some luck
I've shot in a pretty good down-pour with my old 243 pistol before and it never seemed to bother accuracy at all. Pitched the shirt in the truck and had the range to myself because the others were wimps sitting in their trucks.:rolleyes:
I was only going to 100 yards so I don't know about farther out. Rain sure hepls with barrel cooling.:D As I understand it most of the rain will be pushed away from the bullet by the deflecting air. I guess the missed shots refered to in the quote may have hit a drop squarely???
Here are a few pictures that I took today while I was shooting..Here is a picture of the skinnin shed and my shooting bench.

Here are a couple picture of the fan to cool rifles.

Here a couple of pictures of the 500 yard range.
Here is 200 yd left--300yd right(hard to see) 400 yd--& 500yd
I shot a 5 shot group today at 500yds. It was 80*, 54% humidity, light wind to no wind, steady rainfall. It is the first time of shooting 500 yards, I have a Bushnell Elite 3-9x50mm 600DOA scope. I put the 500 yard dot on the bullseye and it is shooting 12 1/2inches high, (the STW shoots a little flatter than those regular guns) and the group can use a little work, but I shot 3 rounds 2 days ago and then today 1st time at 500 yards and the scope I'm using....well I'm pretty happy of the group overall....I now know that I gotta figure out those dots and there yardage before deer season!!! Then I'll be ready on my one 550 yd deer stand...


Here are a few pictures that I took today while I was shooting..Here is a picture of the skinnin shed and my shooting bench.
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View attachment 11079

Here are a couple picture of the fan to cool rifles.
.View attachment 11080
View attachment 11081

Here a couple of pictures of the 500 yard range.
View attachment 11082
Here is 200 yd left--300yd right(hard to see) 400 yd--& 500yd
View attachment 11083
Thats a cool shed Mr Sackett and your rig looks as awesome on the bench as it shoots....I like it
Had the Laredo out and did some tweaking on a load that was shooting well......The tweaking helped 79.4gr of RL22 with the Barnes 140TSX.......I think she is Good To Go,This was 3 shots at 100yrds and it repeated


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