7mm STW Brotherhood - For those who shoot the 7mm Shooting Times Westerner

I am with ButterBean, you can never have too many stw's and that Winchester will make you a good one. I own two for now, one has a 26in. 5A douglas and it shoots great, the other one is a Rem. 700 stainless with a 26in. Factory barrel rechambered to 7stw and it is the one I carry the most because of it's weight. I am a hunter and the heavy barrel gun gets very heavy by the end of deer season when the rut is in high gear. The lighter gun doesn't shoot as good as the custom barrel, but it isn't bad, shoots .6 MOA with 160 AB's and yes it does heat up fast and groups get big after three shots, but I usually only need one, it's a stw. The last year I hunted with the heavy barrel rifle, I would leave it in the blind I was hunting in just so I didn't have to carry it in and out on the long walk. I love both rifles though and will carry the heavy gun some just because it is such a good shooter. The lighter gun is also a lot quicker to get out the window for the quick shots I have to deal with all the time. I killed a 9 point at 304 yds. This past season and almost didn't get the shot, but was able to get on him quick with the lighter gun.
It is what you prefer, not what I prefer though. I don't know what my next one will be, but if the rifle is chambered in stw, I will buy it just because it is a stw.lightbulb
Been out of pocket for a while, but it looks like the stw's just find you and a fine one at that. A Winchester sharpshooter in rare, don't see them down here in the south. remington's are king down here, no one seems to like Winchesters so any model 70 is rare. I really like the one's I own and they have very smooth actions.
Hey Guys,
A couple of questions:

1. How many STWs are too many?

2. What is the lightest weight that makes sense for an STW with a 26 inch bbl?

I have an early unmodified STW Sendero and another Sendero with a 26" Krieger bbl. about the same contour as the Sendero bbl. but un-fluted, so it's a bit heavier than the Sendero.

Thinking about rebuilding a Win. 70 Winlite .338 Win mag (pushfeed) into a lighter STW.
I would want at least a 26" bbl. probably fluted for weight and maybe use the Winlite stock.
I think it's actually a McMillian fiberglass sporter style stock that Winchester used some years ago.

Suggestions as to bbl. weight/contour? Comments?


Jim before you take apart that 338 win, take a look at the 338sin thread. I am having mine rechambered by sin arms. Lots to learn about it. You have a few STWs, that 338sin will cover everything above the 7mm!
Been out of pocket for a while, but it looks like the stw's just find you and a fine one at that. A Winchester sharpshooter in rare, don't see them down here in the south. remington's are king down here, no one seems to like Winchesters so any model 70 is rare. I really like the one's I own and they have very smooth actions.

Fred, I can't even begin to tell you haw nice this thing is. I would have to say that is is very rare, as I don't know how many of these were produced. I have been drooling over that thing ever since I first saw it. Now, deep down, I have in the past been a Remington man, although, the NEW ones suck. But Winchester has made some fine rifles over the years. My son has a 7 mag, in a synthetic stock, black barrel, etc, that shoot out lights. I originally owned it, and now he has it. That 26 in barrel on that thing is Mint. But even if a person is " brand loyal" , it would be tough to walk away from this thing. I am probably going to do the deal this weekend. I can't wait to get it in my gun cabinet. The owner said that he guarantees it is at least as accurate as my Senderos, or my semi custom. He is also the guy that I bought my Sako STW from. So he is a STW fan as well. He has a enormous game room in his gun shop, and told me that a large percentage of his game fell to a STW, including african game. He has three STW's , and two of them are full blown customs. ( one is a Sako like mine).
I will be sure to add pix as soon as I get it. I will need a little help, cause I am computer stupid, but gun smart!!! Ha ha .take care, good to here from you!!
Hey Guys,
A couple of questions:

1. How many STWs are too many?

2. What is the lightest weight that makes sense for an STW with a 26 inch bbl?

I have an early unmodified STW Sendero and another Sendero with a 26" Krieger bbl. about the same contour as the Sendero bbl. but un-fluted, so it's a bit heavier than the Sendero.

Thinking about rebuilding a Win. 70 Winlite .338 Win mag (pushfeed) into a lighter STW.
I would want at least a 26" bbl. probably fluted for weight and maybe use the Winlite stock.
I think it's actually a McMillian fiberglass sporter style stock that Winchester used some years ago.

Suggestions as to bbl. weight/contour? Comments?

Well, question 1 has no simple answer. The short answer is you can't have TOO many. ( but I'm working on it) . You might say that obsession is a player, but I know guys with eight 308's. I now own including the one that I am building, 4' and am loading for five. I gave one to my kid as a graduation gift. Now I just bought/ traded this Sharpshooter. They each have there own personalities. One gun shoots light bullets, another shoots heavy , etc.
As far as what is a acceptable weight, a standard contour , mag contour in a decent stock is still manageable. My Sako is a " hunters" rifle, and is really accurate. Sometimes it is nearly as accurate as the Sendero. Think about what you want it for, and build it, it will shoot.
Well I went to the rifle range yesterday to see how my two Senderos would do. I remounted the scope in the first Sendero (I got this from Montana) because I moved the vortex bubble level from inside the rings to outside the rings so I had to sight in both of them. I took my Zero Point Magnetic Illuminated Boresighter with me to help. I set-up the chrony on the tripod and was shooting at the 50 yard target first. I took two shots with the new Sendero (the one from California-I bought it on tis website "Mint condition") and put the Zero Point Magnetic Illuminated Boresighter on the end of the barrel to help the reticles to line it up) You could hardly see it through the scope because it was very sunny. Well I got too much in a hurry because I forgot to remove theZero Point Magnetic Illuminated Boresighter from the end of the barrel and took another shot. Well after the shot I knew immediately screwed up because the Zero Point Magnetic Illuminated Boresighter was disintegrated and the bullet hit my chrono and destroyed the front sensor. Well I was really mad at myself but I thought "what the hell" I am here so I kept on shooting and sighted the Senderos. I have already talked to Shooting Chrony and I will send the Chrony back to the them next week to get it repaired. I will not replace the Zero Point Magnetic Illuminated Boresighter because I did not like it very well anyways.

I would HIGHLY NOT recommend anybody getting Zero Point Magnetic Illuminated Boresighter!

I finally got both sighted in at 100 yards and had 4 bullets left for each of the Senderos to see what groupings I was getting.

The first target picture is the "Montana Sendero" with four 140 Accubond, 82 grain H1000, COL 3.675 and that is the result of the 4 shot group.

The second target is with the "California Mint Sendero" with four 162 AMAX, 76 grain H1000, COL 3.675 and that was the result of the 4 shot group. The wind was gusting pretty good (10-15 mph) from my left side to my right side when I shot this grouping so I think it affected this grouping.

Since the Chrony was damaged I could not get any readings for velocity but I am pretty pleased with both groupings and rifles.

I am going to take them up to a gunsmith close to York, Pennsylvania in a couple of weeks to have jewell triggers on both and have the Montana Sendero skim bedded. The California "Mint" Sendero already has been skim bedded and action blueprinted.

Great news, I talked to Shooting Crony this morning and the total cost (with shipping back to me) to fix the Chrony is less than $38. I'll have it back by the end of next week. :)

I have also scheduled to go to the gunsmith by York, PA on Monday to have:

- install the Jewell triggers I have on the two Senderos and my LSS 257 Weatherby Magnum
- repair it or recrown the damaged outside crown of the barrel on the one Sendero
- skim bed the other Sendero
- bedding job and maybe bedding pillars installed in LSS 257 Weatherby Magnum

Looking forward to going to the range to see what impact this work on the rifles has had after I get the rifles back.
Welcome fellow 7mm Shooting Times Westerner shooters!gun)

This thread is for those of us who own and shoot a 7mm STW
this is where we can post our gun specs, talking about different load data, where to find our hard to come by brass, and just any other general 7mm STW knowledge

If it is your first post in this thread, lets start out by stating the specs of your 7mm STW(custom made rifles - describe all components), list scopes and other accessories on the rifle, and how long you have been with this caliber. Pictures of your setup would also be welcome

I hope this thread becomes a useful tool of information for everyone,



I'm Dijon and stay in South Africa. I joined the 7mm STW band wagon about 2 years ago by buying a Remington Sendero fluted etc etc. Staying in this country, you often get frowned upon when you dont use the OLD BUSHVELD calibres! I do own various calibres for the African outdoors but read about this calibre and just had to have one. Our gun laws are very strict here and it took awile to land it. I was very happy with it for about a year and took down Blesbuck, Springbuck, Impala, Warthog and a Kudu Bull(Wounded one from a previous hunter) At the time I had a Leupoldt 8,5-25x50 fitted. Not so nice because the reticule was the wrong one (Target). All the animals were one shot kills and nothing below the neck. As men are, we are not happy with what we have, so I had it modified with much heavier custom made stock and muzzle break, Harris Bi-pod, etc..etc.. and fitted a Nightforce 8-32x56 NXS. Total weight=11.1kg. Dont worry, Idont walk and stalk with my new monster, aptly named HAMMERHEAD because of the break(Barret .50 look). At this time, I was not reloading yet and bought up allmost all of the 7mm STW ammo in SA. Plenty of long range shots taken on animals and furthest kill in the neck below the head was 453m, dead calm morning. Then my ammo ran out and for 7 months I could not take a shot even at a beer can. I started reloading no on my other calibres and I am trying to master one at a time for accuracy and that perfect load. Herewith now my plea to all of you in this brotherhood, I am a novice at reloading!!! I seriously need some guidance as to where to start with my HAMMERHEAD and what this beast might like for me to chamber into that fluted 26" barrel.
Please help a novice in Africa
PS: I have attached two pics of the HAMMERHEAD


  • Hammerhead1.jpg
    146.4 KB · Views: 21
  • Hammerhead2.jpg
    132.1 KB · Views: 23

I'm Dijon and stay in South Africa. I joined the 7mm STW band wagon about 2 years ago by buying a Remington Sendero fluted etc etc. Staying in this country, you often get frowned upon when you dont use the OLD BUSHVELD calibres! I do own various calibres for the African outdoors but read about this calibre and just had to have one. Our gun laws are very strict here and it took awile to land it. I was very happy with it for about a year and took down Blesbuck, Springbuck, Impala, Warthog and a Kudu Bull(Wounded one from a previous hunter) At the time I had a Leupoldt 8,5-25x50 fitted. Not so nice because the reticule was the wrong one (Target). All the animals were one shot kills and nothing below the neck. As men are, we are not happy with what we have, so I had it modified with much heavier custom made stock and muzzle break, Harris Bi-pod, etc..etc.. and fitted a Nightforce 8-32x56 NXS. Total weight=11.1kg. Dont worry, Idont walk and stalk with my new monster, aptly named HAMMERHEAD because of the break(Barret .50 look). At this time, I was not reloading yet and bought up allmost all of the 7mm STW ammo in SA. Plenty of long range shots taken on animals and furthest kill in the neck below the head was 453m, dead calm morning. Then my ammo ran out and for 7 months I could not take a shot even at a beer can. I started reloading no on my other calibres and I am trying to master one at a time for accuracy and that perfect load. Herewith now my plea to all of you in this brotherhood, I am a novice at reloading!!! I seriously need some guidance as to where to start with my HAMMERHEAD and what this beast might like for me to chamber into that fluted 26" barrel.
Please help a novice in Africa
PS: I have attached two pics of the HAMMERHEAD
Dijon,Thats a beautiful rig you have there it looks like it going a hundred miles an hour just sitting there,there is a wealth of knowledge here and some super great guys so you have come to the right place,As far as getting started on working up a load for HammerHead we need to know what type and what grain of bullet you will be shooting to get things rolling,Welcome To The Brotherhood and once again thats a gorgeous Rig

I'm Dijon and stay in South Africa. I joined the 7mm STW band wagon about 2 years ago by buying a Remington Sendero fluted etc etc. Staying in this country, you often get frowned upon when you dont use the OLD BUSHVELD calibres! I do own various calibres for the African outdoors but read about this calibre and just had to have one. Our gun laws are very strict here and it took awile to land it. I was very happy with it for about a year and took down Blesbuck, Springbuck, Impala, Warthog and a Kudu Bull(Wounded one from a previous hunter) At the time I had a Leupoldt 8,5-25x50 fitted. Not so nice because the reticule was the wrong one (Target). All the animals were one shot kills and nothing below the neck. As men are, we are not happy with what we have, so I had it modified with much heavier custom made stock and muzzle break, Harris Bi-pod, etc..etc.. and fitted a Nightforce 8-32x56 NXS. Total weight=11.1kg. Dont worry, Idont walk and stalk with my new monster, aptly named HAMMERHEAD because of the break(Barret .50 look). At this time, I was not reloading yet and bought up allmost all of the 7mm STW ammo in SA. Plenty of long range shots taken on animals and furthest kill in the neck below the head was 453m, dead calm morning. Then my ammo ran out and for 7 months I could not take a shot even at a beer can. I started reloading no on my other calibres and I am trying to master one at a time for accuracy and that perfect load. Herewith now my plea to all of you in this brotherhood, I am a novice at reloading!!! I seriously need some guidance as to where to start with my HAMMERHEAD and what this beast might like for me to chamber into that fluted 26" barrel.
Please help a novice in Africa
PS: I have attached two pics of the HAMMERHEAD

Welcome to the twisted Brotherhood, and what a ride. And what a hammer that is you have there dude! I love the comment, as men are..... Awesome.. Welcome aboard, and there are lots of guys here willing to help, and if you have questions or comments, jump right in. beautiful rifle,WOW, absolutely smokin!!
WINCHESTER CUSTOM SHARPSHOOTER, has arrived!!!! To those that have been following, I was able to pick it up today. I was going to wait til the weekend, but that wasn't happening. Like we all do, I took it apart when I got home, and found it to be way more gun than what I first thought. Action is fully bedded, barrel floated, trigger as like 2 lb glass. I put the scope that was on the 300 rum, which is a Nikon Monarch, 6.5-20 AO. Pix are to follow at some point, as some were taken, and our one and only, " butterbean" will be doing me the honors of posting them. They should be along soon. Quality may not be the best, but our better camera needs a charge. Better pix will follow. All the best!!!!