6 Creedmoor for Desert Bighorn

Man this thread is completely off the rails. Jeeze

Now to really derail it how about we talk about (and I can't believe I'm stirring the pot like this but it's a joke all...) what kind of a pistol one should carry while on a sheep hunt. Or is bear spray the weapon of choice...grins

Anyone who takes this serious gets a group atomic wedgy!
Clearly it's your way or the highway- there's no conversation at all. Your mind is made up on what everyone else should do and everyone is wrong if they question it or have a differing opinion.

This turned in to one of the many small cartridge vs large cartridge threads that just go on and on in circles. I have a Dall hunt coming up in 2 years - do I need to bring my 338 RUM in case I make a poor shot since thousands of dollars are on the line?
Feel free to do whatever you like
But you best bet would be to ask the outfitter what he suggests
Chances are they will tell you to leave your 6 creed at home.
Who are you hunting with?
If you've only killed 40 animals, the same size or bigger than a sheep, but did it all on your own and didn't pay $50k to some outfitter to walk you to kill one, you just couldn't possibly fathom what it takes and how serious this endeavor could be. You must concede all rational thinking or perspective thoughts in general to the absolute king of killing sub 300lb animals 🙄🙄.

I probably put more effort into a single deer hunt than this guy flying all over, getting guided on sheep and putting himself on a pedestal lol.

My last deer was three 28 hour round trips to the state for scouting, 11 days of hunting, over 60 boots miles and 20,000' of elevation gain during that time. But since I didn't write a fat check, I just can't understand how serious a sheep hunt is. Give me a freaking break lol.
Your the man
Why don't you tell us all about how you went to the range today
You probably already did it's just on a different thread
Some of us need and look for attention
The rest of us just go an do it 🤷‍♂️
Elk and mule deer. This was the reference
View attachment 592472

Only 10 elk I believe. 3 with a bow and the rest with a rifle. Couple of Aoudad thrown in there also. So technically I AM a sheep hunter also 🤣. Killed a big caribou and a couple of bears too.
I do have to say I've never met some one who was so sure of themselves, about something that they had never ever done…. In my life

Your pretty special lol

Glad I picked up a fresh batch of kettle corn.
If you've only killed 40 animals, the same size or bigger than a sheep, but did it all on your own and didn't pay $50k to some outfitter to walk you to kill one, you just couldn't possibly fathom what it takes and how serious this endeavor could be. You must concede all rational thinking or perspective thoughts in general to the absolute king of killing sub 300lb animals 🙄🙄.

I probably put more effort into a single deer hunt than this guy flying all over, getting guided on sheep and putting himself on a pedestal lol.

My last deer was three 28 hour round trips to the state for scouting, 11 days of hunting, over 60 boots miles and 20,000' of elevation gain during that time. But since I didn't write a fat check, I just can't understand how serious a sheep hunt is. Give me a freaking break lol.
Wow what an adventure
I can't believe you hiked that far and were able to live and tell us all about it
3 whole trips
And 11 days hunting
Oh my goodness
Did you film it for the next episode of meat eater?
Feel free to do whatever you like
But you best bet would be to ask the outfitter what he suggests
Chances are they will tell you to leave your 6 creed at home.
Who are you hunting with?

S Nahanni

I'll see what they recommend, but when speaking with them, they mentioned majority of shots are 300 yards and in. Often much closer. I wouldn't feel undergunned at those distances at all with a 6 Creed.
Not sure how fast the 103's are moving in the 6creed. I stopped using them in my weatherby calibers because bullets would fragment and not penetrate = wounded deer at high velocities. Watched the same thing happen to a whitetail deer shot at 80 yards in the shoulder with a 6.5prc 143 eldx. knocked him down, got up and ran off never to be recovered. Plenty of people love them, i'm not one of them and it's unfortunate they are extremely accurate in all my rifles. Now at 600 yards do you remove the high velocity impact - sure. I know allot drink the Hornady koolaide so did I. I think they are very accurate long range ammo - i'm just not sold on them being hunting ammo. But I also believe in shot placements aren't behind the shoulders and through the shoulders - square something up with one and tell me it went through I don't believe it.

That ought to stir the hornets more! LOL shooting elk/moose with a 6mm the hunting industry has bat S crazy! I'm going to call my PH and ask him if I can do this for plains game;

For the record I own more 6mm's than most probably a dozen 240's and use them often. Deer, sheep, hogs kills allot and moves much faster than the new stuff. I shoot 90 grain scirocco's pricy and hard to find, blows through shoulders on medium sized game. Prob not my best option at 7-800 yards haven't tried nor will I - i have other rifles i'm more confident in at those stances.

Best of luck on your sheep hunt once and a lifetime trip! I don't doubt the power of the 6mm if it were me because of the variables and possible distances I'm punching a bigger hole. 6.5-7mm. I hope you kill a monster, cheers;
Now to really derail it how about we talk about (and I can't believe I'm stirring the pot like this but it's a joke all...) what kind of a pistol one should carry while on a sheep hunt. Or is bear spray the weapon of choice...grins

Anyone who takes this serious gets a group atomic wedgy!

Pistol.......hold my beer

Outfitters don't typically seem to be up to speed on terminal ballistics and why. That said, the outfitter I used for dall/griz had no concerns with me bringing a 6.5. Overkill compared to the sharp sticks he kills both with. If I had to pack today to go back I'd be bringing my 6 creed.
Outfitters don't typically seem to be up to speed on terminal ballistics and why. That said, the outfitter I used for dall/griz had no concerns with me bringing a 6.5. Overkill compared to the sharp sticks he kills both with. If I had to pack today to go back I'd be bringing my 6 creed.
Wait...major derail! You would hunt a grizzly bear with a 6 Creed? You could watch him put on a bib after your first shot 'cause you're about to be a snack! 🤣🤣🤣